Rain and Biddies

There’s a big line of storms marching from West to East … USA. The southern line is near us. Fragments of storm have been around most of the day, but the heavy line is coming sooner than later.

All day I’ve gone out now and then to check the hens, *looking for an egg!* but haven’t found any eggs. Just Hawklady camping out in the loft, just hanging out, you know? I have no idea why she’s there and just sitting and walking. She “looks” alright. She laid her first egg in a long time on Tuesday, and had laid nothing since then. Today would have been the “every other day” pattern award, but she’s late for that already. I’ll grant it if she DOES lay something today though.

There’s been nothing laid in the SuperYard today. But neither have the Leghorns destroyed the nest box (as they sometimes will do if they aren’t in laying mode … kick all the hay out.) So the one that laid yesterday has the opportunity of being in that “every other day” pattern as well, if she lays tomorrow. I won’t know which one she is, they all look too alike. ๐Ÿ™„ So I’ll just “assume” it’s the same one, if someone lays a white egg.

So I’m happy that two of the old biddies have decided to lay something after all this time, but NOW I’m anxious for them to do MORE! Of course I am hoping that all the others will decide to lay as well. So I’m going to bring more hay out to Hawklady, and see if that comforts her, though I doubt that’s what is up with her, as the green egg from the other day was laid in a space fairly bare of hay already. Sigh. It’s tiresome having to replace nest material. I really do need to figure out a better way for an entrance to hold that hay in the loft.

The weather should be deteriorating rapidly soon, and behind that weather front will be cooler temperatures. We’ll see how it affects the henniepennies. I’m pulling for a “no effect at all” deal. Let them lay eggs! ๐Ÿ™‚

My *cold* is getting better. So that’s good news. It’s still not good, just not worse, and a bit better than it was yesterday. I’m still sneezing though, and that’s the worst part, to me, as I usually don’t sneeze from allergies much, and neither have experienced many colds that had sneezing on and off the whole time. So this is fun experimentation. ๐Ÿ™„

One response to “Rain and Biddies”

  1. New Eggs
    I checked the hens this mid-morning, and they hadn’t laid anything.

    It’s 2:45pm and I just got back from checking, as I walked up to the A-Frame I saw that Hawklady was down on the ground.

    “Good,” I thought to myself, “she must have laid an …

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