Under the weather

Last week Baby Q wasn’t feeling well, and neither was I, as well as two of the older children coughing a lot. The coughing seems to have come from a previous “cold” that was in the family … residual leftover maybe from when we all had a cold a few weeks ago (from now) … so then it was that the baby was very warm for a couple of days in a row, I didn’t take his temp. actually, he wasn’t THAT hot, just very warm and bothered, and I realized during that one evening that I wasn’t feeling very swell either, slightly warmer, feverish, not fevered though. So we were both fighting something and then the third day, no more “fever-ish-ness” at all. I’ve had “sinus” issues here and there and baby has been crankier than normal, ever since. Over the weekend we were just dragging mostly, though feeling much better.

But DH has had a problem he gets every so often, not for sure every year, but when he gets it, it is the same as other years, nasty sinus/headache thing that goes on and on for a couple or few weeks, then vanishes completely out of the blue. Right now it’s in the middle of it, and it seems like it won’t ever stop. History says it will though.

So, it’s December, the weather is up and down, and it’s definitely late Autumn in how we are doing. Blah, blah, blah, not enough sunlight, and blah gray weather all day long some days, which makes things so ugly to me. Even on the days when there IS full sun, it just doesn’t seem enough. That’s partially because of the way our house is, the “front” is so dark, even though it’s now connected to the “back” on the main level, but there in the back we don’t have outside access yet, just one window looking out. We are supposed to have a sliding glass door there, we have it, but it’s not installed, still. If it was installed we’d have much more light on the main level finally (since some time ago we removed part of a wall, so with that gone and the double sliding glass door behind, ooh the light that will finally flow to the front. 🙂 )

As for how it is now though, it’s so easy to feel so blah when the weather is just too warm to have a fire in the fireplace. Especially when DH is out of town, which he is off and on. When he’s home we do go “out” occasionally and THAT gets us more sunlight, driving around just offers that so much more than staying in the house.

We’ve had to go out, even feeling so bad, just to “get stuff” we need to get. Today I was really feeling yucky, and did what I normally don’t do, took 2 Sudafed tablets close together, in about a half hour’s space of time. 2 is the “regular dose” but I only ever take 1, since 2 make me feel so loopy it’s not fun at all. This morning I was so bad off though, with the sinus issues I’ve had it’s like I have tons of stuff (but I’m not “clogged up” in my nose) I have icky stuff I can feel in my sinuses, hard, scratchy, drippy, choky as some of it starts to go down my throat … but mostly it just sits there bothering me. One Sudafed often “does the trick” to rid the nighttime icks in the morning, but today it was worse than usual, and so I was “out of it” all morning, but my sinus cavities did feel so much better, I must admit. We had to get a few things before my DH leaves for a trip, so that got me out of the house in the afternoon, and that helped.

I just so dislike these “colds” and other “viruses” that leave one feeling so icky for days after the other symptoms clear out. I do have allergy troubles year round some too, so couple that with leftover illness, and it sure can be hard to feel like getting up, or staying up all day. But with children, and especially a new baby, one has to get up anyhow. That’s just the way it is. 😉

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