On Saturday Frank and I got the nest boxes built. We still have to mount the thing on the side of the pen, we’ll be hanging it on the side so that the roof of the pen is roof of the nest box, and so then the egg collection will be easy. As well, the ladies won’t be able to roost on the top of the next box walls.
Saturday night I went out to check on the hens, and half of them were on their normal roost, and the other half were atop the walls of the box. I shooed them off, and they were on the normal roost the next time I checked. 🙂
Last night, I didn’t check close-up, but from the kitchen window it LOOKED like all the girls were on the roosting rail.
In the daytime they’ve been sitting on the front edge of the box on occasion, and I let them be, as I want them to get used to sitting in the box and being comfortable there for egg laying. Egg laying ain’t at night, so I want them on the roosting rail, where they’ve always been the happiest at night. It’s still a temporary rail, we’ll get something better rigged up for permanent use.
The nest box is divided into two parts. It was so nice to get the first egg in the nesting box. It was CLEAN! One egg after that was layed on the ground, next to the box, but on hay. They are getting the picture, the ladies that is.