Summer observations

It’s been a fast Summer. We are on the last week of July already. I’ll admit that I’m wishing the month away, hoping for better things in August [$$$-wise Frank].

But that isn’t why the month is going fast. Wishing time away tends to make it stretch out, generally for me at the least. It’s just going fast, as it has for some other folks we’ve talked to recently. At least it’s not “just us”!

My sunflowers are all nearly done. Seeds are nearly done, and we have American Goldfinches stripping all the heads of their seeds. They didn’t do that last year. I have a Finch Feeder, full of wonderul thistle [Niger Seed]. They ignore it en total. They want the FRESH seeds, Black Oil Sunflowers.

Well, dying sunflower foliage calls for Autumn days not far away. Hmm. It’s still July. I can’t recall what really happened with them last year. Silly. Anyhow, I’ve seen other little things that make me think of an early Autumn. I have nothing to back up any forcast claims, and I am not making any. Just noting that I’m thinking about stuff.

It’s just really been different, this is our first Summer in Georgia with abundant rain. Everything is different. Smog? No smoggy days bugging us this Summer out here. Can’t say THAT about previous years. Allergies though, have been really bad this Spring and Summer. But not every day. We’ve had Fireflies on our property this year, never before. Our Locust Tree, the wild one, flowered visibly and smellably this Spring, never before. It’s full of long leathery fruit now, forming it’s seeds. We’ve never seen the tree full of that, since it’s never blossomed with us around. When we moved here, in November 1997, the tree had some old dry seed pods hanging on it. Just some. That means it’s not bloomed since at least Spring of 1996, I’m guessing. We first found this house in September 1997, and it was not prolificly sporting pods, not at all.

Well, that’s just observations about how water changes the environment. Like our backyard. Every time it rains, slosh, slosh, slosh… walking through the yard means standing water. In the past, it was cracked earth, bare spots, and “where’d the water go” if it DID rain. Now it’s everywhere, and we love the Blessing of Rain. God is good to us!

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