Month: September 2003

  • Autumn-time

    It’s officially the first weekend of Autumn. In the South that doesn’t usually mean too much. The temperature’s have moderated some already, in the beginning of this month, getting warmer again as well, but staying in a lower realm for the night and early morning, and usually not getting higher than the mid-80’s during the…

  • Cinnamon Is Gone

    She died as I held her head, outside in the grass. I’ll miss you Cinnamon. I’m glad you lived with us and had a good life these last 5 years. You’ll be missed by all here. 🙁

  • Cinnamon’s leaving

    Our dear red tabby seems to be on a downward trend, I don’t recall seeing her yesterday, we weren’t home most of the day either. She didn’t come around at bedtime, but I didn’t realise that on til I heard a weird meow a bit ago, and placed that I’d heard other lowd meows earlier.…

  • Bluebirds, and other birds lately

    It’s been a birdy last 1/2 hour. I haven’t “seen” my Bluebirds most of the Summer. They’ve been around, but the whole family hasn’t been sitting on the fences or anything like that. Tonight Frank saw one, and we started looking, there were 2 adults and 3 or 4 babies. At least one of the…

  • Happy Birthday to Asa!

    Happy Birthday to Asa! He is 3 today. Three years ago he was a sweet newborn baby boy, born at home earlier in the night. He got a Radio Flyer Tricycle today, he’s able to peddle and is just such a big boy. His bigger sister got on it and they decided it’d be fun…

  • A New Pledge, and other ideas on learning at home

    I’ve been reading different things about education lately … hence these ideas: I haven’t liked the term “Home School” or the answer to the question: “What grade are you in?” or “Are you ready to go back to school” and the myriad of others that abound. It didn’t bother me always to use the term…

  • That Gorgeous September Moon

    I just went out on the deck with my Canon Rebel 2000 after spying the moon through the glass of the French doors. It was gorgeous, looks full, but not exactly quite. I took at least 3 or 4 photos with my longest lense, using a night-time mode. I sure hope they turn out alright.…

  • Cooler weather, Fall is coming

    The weather has gotten very nice since this last Friday. The heat isn’t as bad, and it’s much cooler outside in the morning as well. It’s been overcast quite a bit, but it’s more than tolerable since it isn’t muggily too-hot any longer. The worst thing is though, the allergies things seem to be much…

  • Liberty time! Apples

    We have two Liberty Apple trees in our backyard, and one Mac Free. They are semi-dwarf trees, they two varieties fertilize each other. We planted these trees when they were small little things, bare root sticks really. They came via parcel post. That was in early Spring 1998. We planted them a few days after…