Updates and rambling talk

I had trouble with something on the server, so my sites have been partially to totally down due to dependence on the thing I had trouble with. It’s back up and working now. ๐Ÿ™‚

I found what happened to our pullet. The puppies got her. I have a page I constructed for that occassion here. [It’ll open in a new window if you just click from a normal browser, unless you’ve over-ruled page behavior with your browser settings!]

It was a very sad find. I only found the evidence once I decided to stop looking for a whole chicken.

It’s been cold again lately. We ran out of firewood by the close of the evening last night, and Frank has business to attend to all day that didn’t get him home with more wood until early evening. A day late and a dollar short for any help today ๐Ÿ˜‰

When it’s cold at night, the downstairs area really chills down heavily. The morning brings promise with the sun rising. As long as it’s clear, the kitchen and dining room are tolerable to some degree, depending on the outside temperature. But if it happens like it did today, the promise of good sunshine began, but was quickly snuffed out by heavy gray overcast by mid-morning. My feet were so cold I had to take off my shoes and go sit in bed with my computer or a book. If we’d had wood, I could have tended a fire in the dining room and it would have taken the edge off of anything the gray cold kitchen could throw at me. Ho hum. Tomorrow I have wood at least!

Accuweather said that “today” it’d be Mostly Sunny. It sure was NOT! Tomorrow is supposed to be Partly Sunny. Based on today, that’s not good news. ๐Ÿ™‚ As I said above, at least we have wood for tomorrow.

I have dinner going all day for tomorrow. Pulled Barbeque Pork. I’m just letting it go in the crock pot all day and night, and I’ll pull it in the morning. I’m using a bottled sauce this time, it’s Vidalia Barbecue sauce, a natural, no preservatives product we picked up at Harry’s. (It smells so good! I think it’d be best on grilled chicken, but it’ll be fine with pork too.) They are now owned by Whole Foods Market, but retain their original good food, broad ethnic varieties, fresh veggies galore, and grand selections of wine, cheese, etc. It’s just a better place now that there is some Whole Foods Market stuff going into Harry’s, a very good wedding of services and foods. We used to go to Whole Foods Market some times, but find Harry’s ultimately better now. Before it was occassional Harry’s, and more Whole Foods, but WF’s has made Harry’s the one-stop place for us the last year or more.

Well, apparently things are going on politically that I’ve not had first hand attention paid to. The D. Caucaus, and the State of the Union address. I’ve mostly heard other people talking about them, read commentary of regular folk, etc.

I don’t usually talk about politics here, but I will say a few things now. For years we were staunch conservative Republicans, and proud of it. In 2000 we voted for Bush, and by the time the inauguaration rolled around, we were not so proudly Republican. We’d bandied about with some folks on the internet over third party vs. Republican. We found that we had changed our position a bit to incrementalism, choose the best of the worst. So it wasn’t too much further we had to go, that last Presidential election did it for us. For me in particular, I was sick of it all, and pretty much said I’d not vote anymore “unless” …

Unless what? I don’t know. It’s not out there yet. I haven’t determined that any third party actually deserves a vote. My NOT voting is perhaps the most stewardship acting of all, to me. It’s not a message, it’s what’s right as opposed to what’s wrong.

A label for me is “Paleo-conservative” I have no possible party affiliation. No group stands but the “Constitution Party” but they aren’t it, in my estimation. I believe in grass-roots, not trickle down.

Frank and I are debating whether to get an absentee ballot or not this year. Hedging toward doing so. That way we can mull it over in the comfort of our home. Why not just get the ballot info ahead of time, and vote IRL? Because it’s just not the same. I want the actual ballot and me knowing that I am voting correctly or not. Internet and phone at hand with an at home ballot, one will find the answers one is seeking, and not overlook something and goof up as I would be privy to doing in a public anxious setting.

One thing about this is the way this State handles politics. In Florida you were registered to vote as whatever you were. You declared, basically, Republican, or Democrat, or Indepenent, others as well I suppose. We moved to Georgia, and you register to vote, that’s it. It was that evil “Motor Voter” program that signed us up too. Urg. We’d have sought out the right place to do it, we do believe that only those who desire to vote, and understand it should vote. Motor Voter is too easy. ๐Ÿ˜‰

So then on voting day, the precincts are just voting places, not particularly partisan. Weird.

That probably played a part in the toning down of our politics. We are fervent still, just in a better way. What the difference between Dems and Reps? Not much. Maybe 10 to 20 years. Or a way of dressing or talking. We are not inbetween those two. We are outside of the established political environs. We listen to Hannity on the radio sometimes, and it’s funny, he’s so, well, that’s enough.

It’s hard to be able to describe this. I’m more conservative than ever, yet more liberal than that. You know it’s really a true right and middle position all at the same time. It’s something that is not Libertarian, but somewhat similar in SOME ways. It’s just not so simple anymore. And THAT is alright. More black and white, less gray, some darker grays than lighter grays.

So a grass-roots method is what is best. That means doing the right thing right where you live. Local elections, local buying, selling, living, supporting. Our communitites breed the next leaders. Grass roots. Raising a family to God’s standards is exactly that. ๐Ÿ™‚

9 responses to “Updates and rambling talk”

  1. Hey! Glad you’re back…missed you! ๐Ÿ™‚

    I was wondering about your pullet while your site was down. Sorry to hear you don’t have to look for her any more. ๐Ÿ™ Glad though that you aren’t wondering yourself still.

    Our Accuweather isn’t always “accurate” for us either the main reason being the place they collect the info is downtown close to the inlet, etc. Us being closer to the mountains, being affected by the valley behind us and other factors makes, even with few miles between our home and their reporting station, for a significant difference. For instance, it was thick fog and snowing downtown one day last week and perfectly clear and sunny here at our house!

    I won’t even touch the politics right now. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Gotta get moving. May the Lord bless your day! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Tamara, oh the politics, I rambled more than I intended to, and thought about it in my sleep. Perhaps I should edit it a bit. :rolleyes:

    Well about Accuweather, I sure love them compared to Weather.com. I was used to weather.com, but found their predictions and current conditions even worse than Accuweather’s, so when I stumbled onto Accuweather I swithced alliances.

    My hope is to have a digital weather station of my own, the “few hundred dollars” type. I used to be a big “weather fanatic”. I still am, just a few more downs and ups than just straight up. I tell my dh, if I hadn’t found him, I’d have ended up being a Tornado Chaser ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Thanks for everything, you bring cheer to my day, and I thank the Lord for that! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Nah, I thought *your* discussion of politics was just fine. I won’t touch it right now because I haven’t been keeping up to date and don’t have a coherent opinion that’s all. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. Thanks for that Tamara. I re-read my original post after I posted that reply to you. I guess my ownly particular would be to say “My political opinions are that, my opinions” and that “just ’cause I fervently believe I’ve come to a better understanding of this, doesn’t mean I’m better than others” though I certainly would welcome Dems and Republicans addressing issues and seeing that moving on is a good thing.

    There are just few alternatives, and my most intense desire for limited government, and a dissolvable union make me, a woman, rather “marginalized” though not in the way that “feminists” use that term. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I truly do have an issue with “who should vote”, and consider that just because it’s legal for a woman to vote, doesn’t mean she should. I don’t see voting as a right, it’s not that. It’s responsibility that is given, not a “right”. In particular I have more of an affection for household voting or property owners. Not particular to only male heads, per se, but usual to that. So laws that are in place … aren’t so definitive of rightness, neccesarily.

    Here’s a link to the AHP’s planks:


    They have a program for teaching via “Voter Clubs” Christian statesmanship.

    This blurb comes from a Harvey Bluedorn interview:

    “First Steps to Statesmanship: Essays on the First Principles of Christian Statesmanship, along with the 25 audio / video tape series, Studies in Christian Statesmanship: Studies in Principle, with seminars by R.C. Sproul Jr., Herb Titus, Dan Eby, Chris Strevel, James Rose, Marshall Foster, and Stephen McDowell, available from AHP, P.O. Box 241, Leavenworth, Washington, 98826-0241, Phone 888-396-6247.”
    ( http://www.homeschoolchristian.com/ChristianEd/Bluedorn.html )

    Chris Strevel is our pastor, one of the writers mentioned above. He’s spent time with AHP people, and they are on the right track, but looking at their website they don’t appear to be doing much, or else haven’t ever updated their website! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Basically, they, as I previously understood them via conversations with our pastor, are an organization to teach Statesmanship to localities of people, which is the first place to start, grass level. ๐Ÿ™‚

    They happen to also be a “party” though moreso that’s for the future, I am guessing.

    I’d basically agree with their planks. It’s simplistic, to the point, and not frightening to read.

    Here is the Contstitution Party (CP) Platform:

    American Heritage Party (AHP) is a spin-off, so to speak, from the CP. Basicically you have grassroots vs top-trickle-down methodology.

    That’s why AHP was formed, a disagreement as to approach, not that there’s a disagreement over Platforms of belief, per se.

    I very much like the AHP Planks, as they are written at that link, more than the CP Platform as it’s written. Conciseness, I like it, bottom line. I usually write too much myself though, considering how much I like consice bottom lines!

    Well, bottom line is, I have an abhorance of being wishy washy myself, so I’ve come to agreement with myself that I have no candidates to back ๐Ÿ˜† It’s not really a laughing matter, but oh well. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I’ve just looked at some of the CP-GA information, and it’s rather sickening, most candidates state or national levels, are unopposed on election forms, and it’s hard to get on the ballot, unrealistic signature requirements. Hoo boy, no wonder their’s no choice. There’s a graphic to click on that shows 1998 elections. We live in Barrow County, if you look at that.

    Well, languishing under leviathan is what we are doing, but I just don’t have the power to do much, myself, just raise two little boys into big strong farmer statesmen. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. Hi there, I’m enjoying my visit at pastoralfarms even tho’ I’m supposed to be sleeping! Sorry about your pullet. I remember when Mary the cat disappeared and we were sad for awhile.
    We’ve had a fire going all evening here, but the rest of the house gets very cold. Our house rarely gets warm on cold days, like yours.
    Politics! We are pretty much where you were, Marysue, in the last election. Probably going to vote Rep., although Chuck is pretty tired of them. I vote what he says- but contribute to the discussion. He follows politics much more than me as you’ve probably noticed from his missiles to your e-mail in box for the last few years.
    I enjoyed the latest pictures of the children. They’re sweet. I still have Russell’s very well-thought out and detailed building section (including a heating system). Well, better retire. Stay warm! Elizabeth G.

  6. Elizabeth, thanks for visiting again! You are always welcomed here. This is the best place to hear if I, or we, have done or experienced anything exciting [whether that’s good or bad]. I write about it so it’s a semi-permanent record. Ask me something about my week, when at church, and my mind will be rather blank. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Well about Politics, I’m sure we won’t be voting Rep. as we are done with them. It’s a quandry as with what to do then. This is where we are. More than happy to vote for great statesmen … but they aren’t on the GA ballots, not many other states either. We might try the primary to see what’s on the ticket and how it “feels”, might not. I am comfortable with NOT voting at all. Frank’s rather at that spot too. We are done with voting for the best of the worst. Incrementalism is history for us. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I highly encourage y’all to vote or not vote, but vote for the right reasons, for the right men. [this is very, very difficult, as who then is there to vote for! That’s exactly the point in our household.]

    Russell is into making battle scenes, and ships, pirates, Peter Pan, etc. He really has interesting perspectives in drawing. It’s quite amazing. I remember drawing “architect-like” when I was young [a bit older than Russell is right now], overhead views.

    Well, I try to keep warm. It helps to sit on the bed with my laptop in front of me, and four cats piled onto my lap. That’s what I’m doing right now. The Children are coloring in the office, which is right across the tiny hallway.

  7. Hi Marysue,

    I read just a bit on your site and wanted to let you know that if you ever need firewood, Frank is welcome to come over to our place and cut some. We always have downed tree limbs in the yard and have enough firewood cut for a year or two.


  8. Hello again! A different subject. I’d like to begin a new adventure in our home and just take a big stack of videos that have no redeeming value and put them in a box in the back of the attic. And then I’d like to begin to slowly purchase some videos that my fellas (almost 14, 12 and 9) can watch and benefit from. At this point, they watch a video about every two weeks and basically no TV. One video I was thinking of is Cromwell. Any other suggestions? Thank you!

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