Month: February 2004

  • Henry Watson Bread Baker

    I obtained a new kitchen item via eBay this week. I was looking at auctions last week and found something I’d been considering wanting: Terracotta baking and tableware pottery. What I found was Henry Watson Pottery, Wattisfiled, Suffolk, England. There is some of this on eBay, though not a whole lot. I started comparing pieces…

  • Winter Wonderland

    It’s nearly the end of February, and we got our first real snowfall for the Winter over night. It was raining off and on yesterday, and continued doing that at night, with wind picking up, and lots of gusts … I had a hard time sleeping, with the pelting rain at the window, and hearing…

  • Which Movie Do You Belong In

    Y’all people out there should have more sense that to take so many quizes and try and entice others to take them too by displaying your own results to said quizzes … So since that’s how y’all play, I’ll just be sure and post my results too, to make sure it spread 😉 You belong…

  • I am this classic movie

    So I took another quiz. It’s the ‘What Movie are you’ test, based on one of the personality test you can take that has the same questions, this one though just tells you that you are such and such classic movie. I took it twice. One answering 27 questions and one answering 45 of them.…

  • Gretchen Buried, and life continues

    We buried Gretchen in an old part of the garden. We had dug it out a few years ago, but it had all kinds of house building junk buried there, so we didn’t use it for veggies. I did plant wildflower seed there, and packets of particular flower seed, but nothing much grew and nothing…

  • Gretchen and Lothar

    Here’s the latest photo I have of Gretchen and Lothar together. I don’t have one of her alone, or a decent shot of her as far as I know. What’s on undeveloped film is another thing though 😉 This was taken on January 19, 2004, the day after our new pullet had “disapeared” and so…

  • Death. It’s what we expect

    My puppie died in the night. It’s such a beautiful morning, and she’s curled up in her outside basket with her head hanging over the side. My worst realizations came true. I was so tired last night, and could barely keep my eyes opened, so I could just kick myself for this whole thing, I…

  • What kind of yarn are you

    In desperation to take my mind off of Gretchen, I took the challenge from Tamara and took this quiz to see “what kind of Yarn I am”. This answer is a surprise: You are Dishcloth Cotton. You are a very hard worker, most at home whenyou’re at home. You are thrifty and seeminglyborn to clean.…

  • Dog Fight, or what?

    Oh boy, I’m freaking out. I asked my eldest to let the dogs out to go potty, as usual, just a bit ago — probably the last time for the evening. Seconds later, horrid barking and people screaming began, and Russell ran inside yelling that the pups were in someone elses yard. What to do…

  • My 2003 Clouds Desktop

    I found a little stack of photo envelopes that we had developed at the end of Nov 2003, and this was one of the pictures. I loved it, so here is my new desktop! The photo was taken sometime in late Summer 2003, I am guessing (this past year our photo developing has been very…

  • Master and Commander

    We went and saw Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World yesterday, as a matinee at the theatre. It was a “private viewing” as it turned out. It’s always nice to go to a week day matinee showing of a movie, particularly one that’s been out for awhile. No one else goes 😉…

  • Weather is warming soon!

    In viewing the weather for the next 15 days, tonights cold will end the coldest for awhile. Most every day hence for the 15 day forcast is highs in the 50’s and 60’s, nay, even to the high 60’s some days. Wow! Spring is near. There is one day, the 25th I think it is,…

  • Fireplace, Movies, Bread

    Well it’s fireplace day for us. It was very cold in the house yesterday, with enough wood for that day or this day. So we held out. Today I also held out as long as we could, so now the fire is started. The morning wasn’t so bad really, but by 11am cold toes were…

  • My Peter Pan Desktop

    I took the splash graphics from the Peter Pan movie site and put them together in Photoshop Elements 2, and pieced together some black to cover a hole, and also to cover over the graphic “playing now” as shown on the site currently. I then “saved for web” and re-sized it in that utility as…

  • Collecting graphical evidence

    Guess I need to explain parts of the earlier post a bit. I like movies. I like electronic movie stuff. I love graphics and photos and doing stuff with stuff on the ‘puter, so that’s part of my addictive hobby, collecting avatars and movie clips and stills and such, when the whim hits. It’s not…

  • Cold, diversion needed

    It’s a cold day. It was so nice the last few days. Well, DH is out-of-town, in the Carolina’s where there is snow from this same weather system we had here yesterday and today. We don’t have that though. It’s 44 degrees F. right now, with overcast skies. No warming sun, just residual cold left…

  • Water, wet, rain, rain, rain

    It’s been raining since yesterday, actually stopped for now, but it rained a lot yesterday, and overnight, and all this morning … we also had very heavy rain late this morning, then some tiny to nearly pea-size hail on and off for about 15 minutes. Wind gust picked up then, and the rain stopped, and…

  • Thinking of Spring’s approach

    Springtime is coming. It’s been a shorter winter than usual here. It’s chilly still, but the temperatures are not going near freezing for the past several days, and forcasted not to most of the next 15 days. Just two below freezings, the rest in the mid 30’s or higher for lows. We have a normal…

  • Mouse in the House

    Earlier this morning, Foster, our youngest cat, came running into the bedroom and stopped by the bathroom door, which is on my side of the bed. He dropped something. Yes, a mouse. It was already dead. Just a play thing. We put him in the bathroom and shut the door, with the mouse in there…

  • Misery

    Well my illness is progressing nicely. My right ear is burning and stuffy inside, my sore scratchy throat of yesterday was a different scratchy this morning and had become totally just a SORE PAINFUL RIGHT-side of my throat burning swollen horrid thing by Noon. Now it’s only worse. I just took some Excedrin, barely could…