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States I’ve been in:
create your own visited states map
or write about it on the open travel guide
Most of it was driving. Many, but not all, I’ve stayed over in, but at least the connected states I’ve driven through them in car of our own. I am including everything I’ve been in, since being born. It doesn’t mean much difference of what we’ve done since Frank and I were a couple beginning in 1992.
The two disconnected states were an airplane trip in the 80’s. I stayed in CA for over a month.
I’m content with the lack of travel on this landpiece called the lower U.S. There’s plenty to visit just in the immediate region we live in right now, that we’ve never seen. I’m a serious homebody now too, I’d love lots of acreage and to just stay on that, to my DH’s chagrin. 🙂