I just can’t keep well enough alone. I changed my individual archives path again 🙂
Looking at other MT tips I decided to change the path, something that was in the back of my mind anyways. I did have them in their main category [folder] like this:
now they are like this:
for instance, my last post:
How do I get that path in MT? Individual Archive Path is found under:
Weblog Config, Archiving, see Individual — Archive File Template. –>Fill in the box as:
<$MTEntryCategory dirify="1"$>/<$MTEntryDate format="%Y/%b"$>/<$MTEntryTitle dirify="1"$>.php
Category Archives and Daily Archives and Monthly Archives are still in their respective places as stated in this post.
I used to be sort_of_afraid of messing with archive pathways, but really they aren’t so hard once one can wrap their mind around them a bit. For anyone wanting a code, feel free to ask me how to make it so: I’m loving figuring them out now, if I don’t know it off-hand.