My eBay shipment came yesterday. Here goes another one … another what?
There is great confusion in the world, as in “Who is Dink?”
Is Dink the Bears in the Attic bear that I bought in the early-mid 90’s, and loved him to “non-new looking”? That bear is a big bear. (16-inches?) I don’t have access to him or I’d meaure him and take a photo right away.
But then there is one bear I bought via eBay this year which “reminded me of My Dink” but he was being described as being someone else, of which that “someone elses name” described a TOTALLY different bear, totally, so, it wasn’t that bear … who is it? It’s not a 16-inch bear. It looks reminiscently of the bear I originally got, but not exactly, and the size is wrong. What’s right is the fur color and texture, and the blue ribbon around his neck. My original bear is hallmarked as such. But face and size change the quotient.
Enter more confusion when my searches on eBay turned up a “Dink” for sale, as an earlier post describes. Right away I could see that “reminicent My Dink” look but wasn’t POSITIVE. Just really thought it could be … but I needed visual verification. He was being sold with little “Ace Bruin”. I’m familiar with him.
Here I am, with a Boyd’s collection, but no value guide. So how can I figure out who is who without a pictoral and descriptively individual items value guide? Older bears are not on the BoydsStuff website.
So there was the package in the mail yesterday, “Oh, it’s too small” 🙁 But I was prepared for it not to be the one I really wanted to find.
I opened it, looked at it, and asked Russell to go in my room and find the bear I lastly got from eBay. Yup, twins, though their tush tags are different. Hmph.
Where is my bear, my dear bear whom has little bears that remind me of him? Is he Dink? Or are these littler bears Dinks? Who is my bear if he’s not Dink? Who are these littler bears if my bear is Dink? Who are these littler bears if they aren’t Dink? Questions rolling through my mind.
I have to rummage through my physical photos to find the one I referred to earlier, of me in the hospital in April 1996 with my already super-loved bear. That’ll help ease the struggles, to see something of what My Dink looks like … I’m getting a feeling that he isn’t really Dink, so then I have to fall back into the position of “But just who IS he?” Now, I suppose the one value guide I had some years back that I ID’d Dink in must have had their height as part of the description, so if I went on it from height and picture … but I am not sure anymore, it’s was in 2000 I think, that I had that guide (and it’s buried in the garage too.) 🙁
It seems to me I hear whispered around me “Who is John Galt”. Ah, a most intesting book that comes from, but I don’t think the irony here is very strong. “Who is John Galt” is a better Q. than “Who is Dink?”
Then there’s the old TV show it reminds me of “Will the REAL Dink please stand up!”