I run our church’s website. I was waiting for MT3 to come up before doing more with it, I’ve been sluggy wuggy about doing anything with it at all. [not wanting to use MT2.6+ forever and ever amen.]
So now I’m trying to decide what to do, what to do, what to do.
I do think that I can use WP for my church’s site, and that’s better since it’s PHP and will get me more into that overall, and that’s part of what’s good with WP for all the people involved in creating better code, the features I’d like to implement and use via PHP are part and parcel in WP or WP Plugins or slated for future input into WP or being made into a WP Plugin.
One of these days I’ll grow to understand PHP better, and then watch out! I’m just not getting there very fast, not cramming manuals at this point. 😉
OK so WP isn’t for highlycontented sites … but that’s exactly what’s in a church site for us — I mean it’s not highly contented, like a magazine. Lots of articles, but easily categorized, and a separate entity for member stuff. That’s what will make this work, if I have to put in more than two installation of WP it’ll be harder to WANT to do, but that’s what I’ll try not to do, use just ONE for the main site and ONE for the private site.
I had been considering using TextPattern for this website here, and then using it for the church site too. I think that things will work out to just use good old WP here and there. So that’s that. I’ve thought through it, and come to a decision as I’ve written. Feels fine!
Now it’s all down to implementation: dress, cake, veil, bridesmaids.
LOL. It’s just that it’s similar to getting engaged.