Frost Warning – First One of Season
Tonight we have a Frost Warning. The first one for the season. I have that Lone Tomato plant to cover, as it has many tomatoes on it still maturing. It’s the best plant I’ve ever grown, though I haven’t really grown this one, if one knows about it as I wrote about it earlier. [do…
27 Q & A’s
Originally found at Carmon’s site. 1. What time do you get up? Varies, but the last month+ it’s been around 6am, just happens. Not planned. (I sleep until I awake, no clocks!) 2. If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be? My husband. A few times we’ve been able to go…
Post Election 2004 I
I’m chomping at the bit for Peroutka numbers for Georgia. All the other states too. I see in my own county that there are just over 100 Libertarian Candidate for Pres. this year. Peroutka was a Write-In in Georgia, so who knows when data will be available.
2004 Election Day – November 2
Today is Election Day in the United States of America, a.k.a. The USA, The US, and formerly known as “These United States”. Frank and I both voted this morning, with the three children by our sides. Voting has gone E-voting in Georgia this year. Touch Screen voting was easy. I sort of showed Russell what…