Month: December 2004

  • New Years Eve Traditions

    What New Years Eve/Day traditons do we have? Well only this: DH: FOOTBALL ME: Feel a clean-up cold-gray day no matter what the day outside is like. It’s like a clear-slate, clean-slate, whatever one wishes to call it. It’s like a New Year … and it’s organization day. It’s not that I’m good at it…

  • Year End Update

    It’s been mild again, weather wise, and it looks to hold out through the end of the year, as well as the first week of the new year. Very odd, very nice though. Highs in the 60’s, lows in the 40’s … great weather for me! I’d love it to be like this most of…

  • Merry Christmas Everyone!

    It’s Christmas Eve, the tree is trimmed. It’s just a little trimmed, it’s a little tree. 4Ft. Tall, it looks like a minature Christmas Tree, it’s like a Full Fledged tree, just small. It’s also ALIVE. Alberta Spruce, of some sort, it’s going to get a couple or so feet taller, and end up about…

  • Christmas is closer, ready? Not us!

    It’s Wednesday evening, well, still late-afternoon, but FEELS like evening, or has for the last half-hour plus. It’s 5:15pm right now. We are into Winter now, but it was kinda warm today, up to the mid-50’s. The house moderated out the last few days, with a space heater in our upstairs (master) bathroom, that seemed…

  • First Day of Winter

    Happy Winter Season! It’s official today. 🙂

  • Some Pics of the Occupied Pen

    I got outside earlier to take some pictures. I did it as fast as I could, the wind chill was something! Also, Lothar was acting WILD and really being a pest for attention and all I was out there to do was take a few pictures of the new pen and hens inside. Here’s him…

  • Cold and Hen Pens

    Oooh it’s a cold morning, and will be a cold day, just getting out of freezing maybe, maybe up to 38 degrees F. but then again, who knows. This is the country! I do mean: we are out in the boonies, ok? Weather people don’t have the snuff for what it takes to measure weather…

  • Which Artist Would Paint You?

    I found this quiz via Carmon’s site. You have the Reynolds girl look. Reynolds girls had the typical British beauty. The eighteenth century British portrait painters would have been attracted by your brilliant complexion and your classical features. Sir Joshua Reynolds loved to paint girls like you in white dresses with blue satin sashes. Reynolds…

  • New Hen Pen coming soon!

    It’s a fine day, sunny with a few clouds, supposed to get up to 59 degrees F. So the day is come that Frank and I will finish the old project for the “new hen pen” which began last Spring, and fell away to do-nothing-status as it became a giant that I couldn’t move anyhow,…

  • The weather and all that

    Last night/this morning it got cold, was supposed to be around 25 degrees F. but here is was about 18 degrees around 8am or so. Considerabley colder than “city” areas around us. 🙂 The day warmed up to the low 50’s and it was SO nice. But it’s to get cold again over night. Low…

  • Edublog posts listed on sidebar now

    I figured out how to get post title links automatically on the sidebar from my Edublog, so all one needs to do is look over there to the right and see the titles and click if they would like to read them. I have my recent posts (entries) from THIS blog first (well, THIS blogs…

  • LoTR Return of the King – Extended

    It comes out today. The final installment, the REAL movie of Return of the King. 🙂 Oh, the theatrical one was good, but this one will be much better. It’s the way of the good movies. They save the good stuff for the DVD, leave it on the cutting floor for the theatres. It ensures…

  • Fireplace in use

    Last night it was supposed to get down to freezing, or lower, and indeed it did. Right now, at about 8:21am EST it’s supposedly 28 degrees F. with a “feels like” temperature of 24 degrees F. Suffice it to say, we have our first fireplace fire of the season 😉 I must admit, as far…

  • The Weather outside

    The Weather outside is delightful, but it soon will turn frightful … it may not snow here down South, but it’ll get very cold no doubt. There’s a cold front that will be moving in soon, and the weather outlook for the next 15-days is … much cooler than it’s been. It’ll be getting below…

  • Weather of late

    December 8, 2004 brought this interesting effect, low lying fog burning off so visually appealling as it moved toward the sky: As well as this glorious BLUE above the fray! First lovely blue sky in so long, it seemed. Only to have that late night turn cloudy then to rain by early am, and the…

  • Redesign and Update on Edublog

    I’ve done some re-design to this weblog, though it may not be apparent to the eye much, the colors have changed some, and the graphics too. My main reason for writing today is to point out something else though. On the side bar, that’s to the right, I’ve moved the “recently commented on” section to…

  • Puffy The Hen

    I just check the hens and noticed some yellow legs sticking up in the air in the middle of their big pen. On closer investigation it appears that it’s Puffy. She’s the lighter colored Golden-Laced Wyandotte, the one that got her name for “puffing out” so comically in cooler weather last year, when it first…

  • Vintage Science Fiction Mags

    I received my Galaxy magazine in the mail today, and my Worlds Of IF magazine on Saturday. [I got them off of eBay recently] Galaxy Oct 1962 with “The Ballad of Lost C’Mell” by Cordwainer Smith as the cover story. Worlds Of IF May 1964 with “The Store of Heart’s Desires” by Cordwainer Smith as…

  • Think Blue, Count Two

    I’ve been reading Cordwainer Smith stories and aggregating the stuff that I have, stuff coming, and what I still need to get for a full collection of at least all his stories. So this has combined to be part of the saga of the kittens names. Cordwainer Smith and cats go hand in hand, as…

  • December is Here

    Happy December! I find it funny to say that and then to say that today is warmer than the last day of November, so much so that on that day I wrote about how “chilly” things were. All day yesterday I was chilly, so it was in the house. Last night it wasn’t so much…