Some Pics of the Occupied Pen

I got outside earlier to take some pictures. I did it as fast as I could, the wind chill was something! Also, Lothar was acting WILD and really being a pest for attention and all I was out there to do was take a few pictures of the new pen and hens inside.

Here’s him looking in. I saw him later run up to them on that side and try to scare the hens, as well as actually go on the other side and jump right at the door and that scared them AND me!

I got him right into his own pen rigth then and there.

Lothar the dog

Here are some others then:

A view of the Australorps in their new digs

Here’s the Cypress-Side all done and occupied, as you can see the A.’s in it.

Here’s the egg collecting side, with the big door on the right, egg next door on the left. Panel of plywood next to the big door on the right, meant to be another door in time for spring. (with storm coverings for bad weather, as we can tell before it comes 😉 )

The Australorps from inside the pen. I put the camera into the pen through one of the doors.

And here are the part of the Wyandottes. One and a half, precisely. That’s Pointsettia on the right, and Trinity’s back side to the left. They and Hawklady will be going into the A-Frame soon, I hope.


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