10:00 AM – 1 White 1.8 ounces
12:30 PM – 1 White 1.9 ounces
Total Eggs : 2
It’s a cold day. It was in the 20’s last night, and supposed to be around 39 for a high today. It’s not bitterly cold though, fairly a mild cold. It’s creeping into the house now, as the Sun progresses to the South/SouthWest. The house has windows that face SouthEast mostly, and so by Noon in Winter, the rays hit the side of the house with no windows.
For us I am considering a fireplace fire a bit later today. For the hennies, well, they have the same old same old. 🙂 The Leghorns are laying fine now. Not that they are up production-wise so much, but that SOME of them are producing well. Two so far today, two yesterday. That’s great when we had NONE for so long.
The A-Frame hens aren’t doing much but eating. So that one green egg and that one brown egg were what? Just one from two different hens, then nothing more for days … how long? I’m anxious to find another green and another pale brown egg.