1-20-2005 Egg Count:
8:30 AM – 2 White 1.7 ounces, 2.1 ounces
11:00 AM – 1 White 2.4 ounces
11:45 AM – 1 Brown 1.8 ounces
Total Eggs: 4
1-19-2005 Egg Count:
2 White
Total Eggs: 2
note: 1 egg was frozen when found
Eggs for yesterday and today are a bit confusing.
Yesterday, Wednesday, January 19, 2005, I retrieved 2 white eggs from the SuperYard, the Leghorn pen. One egg was cracked — frozen solid inside. That egg I peeled (easily) and put in a dish for the cats.
The other egg wasn’t frozen.
My guess is that the frozen egg was laid on (moreso later that not) Tuesday … and the non-frozen egg laid early Wednesday morning. Maybe. The non-frozen egg was very cold. The morning was very cold. The nest box has no straw/hay in it so the eggs laid would have no protection from the air temperatures overall.
My thinking is that the one egg was laid on Tuesday late in the daylight hours, and therefore was frozen solid by the time I got to it on Wednesday morning, seeing as the temperatures got down to 18 or so in the hours before Sunrise.
The other egg might then have been laid early, as the sun came up, and the cold temperatures then would have cooled that hot egg down very quickly. I didn’t get the egg until after 9am I think, most likely after 10am.
So that is Wednesday. Sort of. We went out yesterday so have no verification of what was laid the rest of the day. Got home late last night, and having no flashlight –didn’t check the nest boxes.
I was out there this morning at 8:30am, and in the Leghorn’s nest box there were two eggs. Both very cold. Overnight the temperature supposedly didn’t get below freezing. It looks that way in the yard, with no frost around –and the air felt balmy to me when I was out there. I didn’t button up and felt fine. Currently Accuweather is saying it’s 32 F. with a “feels like” temp of 24 F. Yeah, right. Not so! Not here, at any rate.
So the two eggs in the box early this morning are from … ? Yesterday or today. Sigh, we’ll never truly know. I can take a good guess about it later today or tomorrow or the next day though, if other hens are laying now. 🙂
I haven’t weighed the eggs I got yesterday or the ones from this morning. Maybe later, maybe not!
One response to “Wednesday and Thursday Eggs for Jan 19 and 20”
Wahoo! * 4 * eggs for you today! 🙂