Eggs for Feb 18 2005

Eggs for 2-18-2005

9:30 AM – 1 Brown, 1 White
11:00 AM – 2 Brown
12:15 PM – 1 Brown
1:30 PM – 1 Brown, 1 White
3:40 PM – 1 White

Total Thus Far: 8

It was cold last night, below freezing for the first time in awhile. The hens are laying fine today though. Yesterday I got a white egg later in the morning than today, and going by the numbers of eggs and times, comparing today to yesterday, that may be a different Leghorn, meaning two different ones laying.

Yesterday Hawklady laid her green egg around right now. So maybe we’ll be seeing one from her in about an hour, or later, or not until tomorrow. I hope it’ll be today soon though, and that she’ll prove to be a great layer, like she has been in the past. ๐Ÿ™‚

1:45 PM:

The eggs just gotten were a cooler brown and a warm white one. That is possibly the white egg layer that laid yesterday around 12:30pm. Most likely, that is. ๐Ÿ™‚

3:45 PM:

I went out to feed the hens a little snack/early light dinner at 3:30pm and found that there was a Leghorn in that pens nest box. Hmm. We already had two white eggs this day at that point … this hen didn’t have a super read comb, but it doesn’t mean she wouldn’t be the layer. She had the right position of laying as if she was nesting and getting comfy in order to get ready.

So I went back in and asked Victoria if she’d put some grass in that box, since there was some grass in that box. She said she had. It would have been an interesting feat for the hens to have done that ๐Ÿ˜‰

So I gave it a few minutes and then went back out. There was a nice very warm white egg in the box.

That means we had 3 white layers today. That’s the most in a day thus far this year.

We also though had 5 brown layers today. This has happened before this month, but I hadn’t considered it fully until today. It means that every so often 5 hens are laying an egg the same day. Brown eggs, and my brown layers number 6 birds. So do the math, one hen isn’t laying yet, or is and they haven’t all laid on one day together.

I have to get my data on paper and look it over, as I’ve done in past years. I love calculating who and what … it’s very INTP I set up a systematic scheme for how it’s going, and that is great to keep going with, until their production hits a lulling snag and I lose intrest ๐Ÿ˜‰

So I don’t have perfect records, though I’d love to have such. I need a farm-hand-trainee to take up the drudgery task …” let me do the schematic dreaming and you do the data entry, keeping up with it daily all year long.” ๐Ÿ˜‰ I have one of them growing up and probably able to complete the task in the next year or so (Russell will be 9 in April).


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