Today we have, at this point: 4:57 PM, 8 eggs. Today we got a green egg, yesterday we did not. We got our biggest count yesterday of the year without the contribution of Hawklady. So today she has laid, an additional Leghorn has laid, as well as 5 others as we had yesterday (whether or not these are the same 5 from yesterday, since there are 8 Leghorns, 5 laid yesterday, 6 laid today, do the probability possibilities yourself 😉 ). Alas the brownies are the slackers today. Only 2 eggs so far. Yesterday we had 5 brown eggs by this point. As one could see by the numbers, add up todays eggs, and add in the possible other brown layers that we KNOW have laid, I’d have a full dozen today IF they had laid. So we had a white egg late yesterday, will we have one around 5:30PM, or will she hold it over for tomorrow morning? Or is she not going to be an every day layer. Time will tell! 🙂
(See the egg report link on the side bar near the top for the current egg report month, or choose the link at the top of the page for a list of the reports available.)