Month: February 2005

  • Valentine’s Day 2005 Desktop Download

    Third Annual Valentine’s Day Desktop Download I’ve created a desktop for my computer for Valentine’s Day 2005. The year before last I made the 2003 version available here, so this is considered my third annual Valentine’s Day desktop available for download. Here is this years: Click here to download the 2005 Valentine’s Day Desktop for…

  • Eggs for Valentine’s Day 2005

    2-14-2005 Egg Count: 7:50 AM – 1 Brown (very warm when gotten then, so not a hen that laid yesterday 🙂 ) 11:00 AM – 1 Brown (slightly warm when gotten) 12:15 PM – 1 Green (very warm when gotten, and an Australorp on top of it) 1:15 PM – 1 Brown (slightly warm when…

  • Eggs for Sunday – The Lord’s Day Feb 13 2005

    2-13-2005 Egg Count: 9:00 AM – 1 Brown (Australorp freshly laid, “caught in the act” 🙂 ) 1:45PM – after arriving home from morning church: 3 Brown, 1 White Total Thus Far: 5 I’m fairly confident that the hens are all getting into Spring Laying now. It’ll be a slow upward moving trend, but it’s…

  • Eggs for Feb 12, 2005

    2-12-2005 Egg Count: PM – 1 White, 2 Brown Total: 3

  • Friday’s Fabulous Fowls

    2-11-2005 Egg Count: 10:00 AM – 1 green 12:50PM – 2 Brown, 1 White 3:15PM – 1 Brown Later PM – 1 Brown Total: 6 I fed the hens this very chilly morning (27 degrees, back down to Winter’s level again 😉 ). I opened the nest box door on the A-Frame pen, and was…

  • Surprise under A-Frame door

    2-10-2005 Egg Count: Collected in the PM – 7 Brown PM -2 White Total Eggs: 9 (not all from same day) I’ve had the children feeding the hens the last couple of days, or the last few or more … it’s now Thursday and I can’t quite recall :rolleyes: In any case I do think…

  • Testing Trackback to Valerie

    Did this trackback AND ping? One or the other, or both? and also ping again from this link in the post:

  • Sunday

    Frank got home on Sunday afternoon. Unfortunately I cut my thumb trying to open a new bottle of Balsalmic Vinegar that morning, I couldn’t get the metal top to budge and had to use a knife to pry the edges up to break the “seal”. I was so very careful, all for naught. Ouch! it…

  • Sunny Day At Last!

    Ah, the sun is shining. I got the whole floor swept up on the main level. Sunlight makes that possible 🙂 It’s cool out still, but with the sunny backyard, it feels lovely. Going out on the deck is like a spa. In the summer it REALLY is. Right now it’s just that it feels…

  • Exploding things

    What a night 🙁 Tired me began searching for “what to do with chicken breasts” for dinner, with no Daddy here to cook for, just me and the children. I thought of Chicken Parmesan, but I didn’t have any bread crumbs to use at the time … I could have MADE them, but that was…

  • Burning things

    This morning at 4:30am it was 40 degrees F. outside. Now, at 11:56am it is 34 degrees, raining and blechy yucky out. Not only that, but Frank left for Phoenix this early morning and will be away the next few days of this numbing weather. We went through nearly all of our wood this past…

  • Cloudy Weather

    The ice melted away on Sunday and Monday. By Monday morning there was just some left in places like “roof valleys” and Northern exposed places where it had piled up, and little stuff that was gone by noon that day. The temps have been higher than freezing, but it’s been mostly all cloudy, just a…