A thunderous weekend expected
It’s been very warm and late Spring-Like today. Right now temps outside are supposedly in the high 70’s. Tomorrow temp high is supposed to be about 66 degrees F. That’s more like early Spring 😉 We are also supposed to be getting Thunderstorms later tonight and tomorrow. That’s very Spring-like. Volatile weather. I do love…
Spring continues to break out
It’s another wonderful Spring day. A commenter yesterday was jealous of the weather here. 😉 Surely that is a good thing! For now. Another day I’m sure it would be quite not that. Wait until a month or two has passed and temperatures will be hotter than hot. :veryshocked: Spring growth is occuring in more…
NPP Stuff
For Cindy: the NPP Link: Paul Perspective. I originally posted it on Valerie‘s weblog here. I haven’t written about the topic on this weblog. I would be happy to do that on Hyperthinking, so I’ll post this link there too. 🙂
Mary Sue Candy and Marysue
Someone searched Yahoo for “Marysue Easter Eggs” and a few links for my site came up near the top. That is totally normal I think, since I am Marysue and I talk about eggs often enough, and apparently even have the word “easter” in a post or more than one. 😉 I found out about…
Spring Plant Profile
Our trees, etc: Autumn Flame Maple – 3 : blooming October Glory Maple – 1: nearing readiness to bloom Weeping Willow – 1: leafed out and getting longer Apple: 3: waiting until April Yoshino Cherry – 3: getting ready to bloom soon Cherokee Chief Dogwood – 2: getting ready to open blooms The mystery tree…
Spring Begins!
It’s officially Spring now! Today is the first FULL day of Spring. I am hoping for a decent small garden of tomatoes and peppers and whatever else. May God bless my gardening tries this growing season, and give a bountiful harvest and help me fend off the pests throughout. I pray He will allow things…
Book Meme: What’s nearest you
Found this Book Meme out on ‘the web’ 1. Grab the nearest book. 2. Open the book to page 123. 3. Find the fifth sentence. 4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions. 5. Don’t search around and look for the “coolest†book you can find. Do what’s actually…
Paint is Stinky
Did y’all know that paint is stinky? Some of you might know, but some may not. Paint that you can buy in the stores today can be quite nice and near odorless … or at least comparitively so, to older genres of paint. If you are young enough, Latex might be the usual term to…
NY Observer Gets Curly Hair
Is She Straight, Or… A Secret Botticelli? Girls Scorn Curls by Liz Krieger [Google Cache] This is a humorous piece about something I’m very familiar with . Curly hair, and straightening it and pretending it wasn’t really curly. I myself blowed it out in my teens. I also chemically straightened it by myself in my…
Demolition and Painting!
The other day we went to Lowe’s and got some paint. The color is called “Lotus Flower” and is a light buttery delicate yellowish color. It’s the base for Victoria’s room. Originally I had planned to have her room be very pink, with light pink or creamy light pinkish as base and darker pink in…
More info on the Probably Poker Hit – maybe – maybenot
see: WordPress Support Forum Post The quote below is the last thing I wrote to the thread linked above … and the site there is broken, so I can’t post it. Another thing to add, the last piece of SPAM commenting I got was an Online Poker piece of crap … I have gotten little…
Breezy to Gusty
Now that it’s later … it’s now8:30 am … the forecast has changed and it’s about 40-degrees even … instead of the 8-degrees higher it was said to supposed to be about now a couple of hours ago. 😉 Weather changes … changes … 🙂 Yesterday the accuweather forecast for Tuesday, today, said that the…
Winter and Spring doing their thing
I’m up just for a short while. It’s tiring being up, but also tiring being in bed, though it feels good to stay there, my mind wanders far from it and forces me up now and then. Whatever that means! So I was looking at Accuweather’s 15-day Outlook, and it seems to me it’s going…
Yesterday morning I prodicted that maybe I would be next, that before wasn’t the whole thing. How right I was! Late afternoon I was so tired. Frank was up, but dragging around, had to go out and pick up something, so when he came back I said “I need a nap!” and he agreed that…
Expanding Sickness
Sickness has expanded to all members of the family now. Asa and Frank went down last night. That leaves me having gone through a super mild version of whatever it was earlier … so I got off light, or else more is coming to meet me … :veryshocked:
Sickness Grows
Russell just got sick. He wasn’t until he had breakfast. 🙁 Frank is gone today, doing some work with one of his clients. So a Saturday is not a good day when it’s a Daddy-gone-day and things go bad. Sick time, just not a good time, of course. It’s worse though, for he threw up…
Thursday awlfuls turn to Friday good
Last night I wrote that I wasn’t feeling well, and Victoria was sick too. So I went to bed at 6:30pm and just layed there, watched TV and rested. Frank went to the store and got TV dinners for the children, and some mac and cheese from the deli and a ham slice for me.…
Started out Cold, ended up Chilling
It’s been another chilly day — and harder to deal with today, as the sun hasn’t been out and shining on the back of the house all day as it needs to in order to warm up inside on a day like today, that starts out very cold and warms up to over 50-degrees slowly.…
It Snowing! Happy March!
In Georgia it’s usually Springtime in the South, by the time March 1 rolls around. Sure it can get down to freezing at night, and some days be chilly, but not that bad. It’s snowing right now. OK, thick Flurries. It’s snow though. It’s snowing. March 1, 2005 10 AM and it’s snowing in Georgia.…