I found this on Lucy’s Livejournal …
Here’s a game…
How to play:I have to pick 5 occupations out of the list below and post my answers. Then I tag 3 other people to post their answers on their blog. If I tag you, and you don’t want to be a part of this, then that is okay. Just let me know and I’ll tag someone else.
The Questions: If I could be a scientist…If I could be a farmer…If I could be a musician…If I could be a doctor…If I could be a painter…If I could be a gardener…If I could be a missionary…If I could be a chef…If I could be an architect…If I could be a linguist…If I could be a psychologist…If I could be a librarian…If I could be an athlete…If I could be a lawyer…If I could be an inn-keeper…If I could be a professor…If I could be a writer…If I could be a llama-rider…If I could be a bonnie pirate…If I could be an astronaut…If I could be a world famous blogger…If I could be a justice on any one court in the world…If I could be married to any current famous political figure…
Lucy didn’t “tag” anyone. I won’t either. But you can join in and let me know in a comment or trackback that you are hitting the ‘tag’ button yourself. Let me know!
I’ll be particular towards the things I like in the list, some I piddle at, non-professionally of course.
1. If I could be a farmer … I’d have 20 acres of pasture, fenced and cross-fenced, with hedgerows in-side to further crossfencing, and a creek running through, a pond somewhere on the acreage, 20 or so acres of forested land surrounding the pasture, managed nicely by me, a river close by, maybe bordering the back side of the property in some fashion. More acreage for my diversified veggy garden, a couple of acres only, and a few small herb gardens closer to the large old-fashioned farm house. The pasture would be accessible near the house. There would be a few Jersey and Guernsey milk cows, grass-fed and milked every 18 hours, on the grass year round. Laying hens would be free-ranged with a movable structure with roosting and laying nest areas. It’d get moved every other day with the golf cart I’d have to rove around the property. The house itself would sit back way off the road, a winding loose pebble road would come through an acre or more of trees and perennial flowers of every season to meet the house.
Also on the pasture would be a small flock of sheep, for wool and milk.
I’d make cow and sheep cheeses. Butter. Sell that, and milk and cream and not for an arm and leg as Dairy Mofia Price Structures are followed today on most farms. Things wouldn’t be cheap, they’d cost what they SHOULD cost.
It’s silly, I can buy butter for cheeper than I can buy raw cream. I mean that the prices don’t make sense out there. I’d make sense on my farm. ๐
I do have farming of a small scale now though. 15 hens in the backyard, a pathetic herb garden, and a more pathetic veggy garden most growing seasons. We do hope to get some acreage and implement some sort of version of the above.
My Visionary Farm would also have caretakers that live in a cottage there and help out with all the work.
2. If I could be a musician… I can sing, and have sung in educational settings and church settings, and concert settings, and outdoor festival settings, and at home, and in the vehicle, and still do the vehicle and home versions. Our dream is also for me to do more with my singing, and this is it:
I would, if I could, record many old songs, redo them, I’m an ‘arranger’.
I want to write, and given the right setting I know I could write lyrics and maybe music as well. I just haven’t set down to do it. I know I could, so I just leave it at that. Dumb.
I want to have a band, and sing and play music and lyrics written by friends. I have friends IRL and online that have said they can and will and are working on that.
Style? Current, really edgy, punkyish, deep brooding, but positive and upbeat as well.
I want my music to be who I am, I am in Christ, and that is where my message flows from. I really like many kinds of music, but particularly see a need in this “alternative” side of it for my take on music, with my crazy outlook ๐
I don’t want to “make it big” per se, I want to have my own label and recording studio someday.
3. If I could be a chef… I’d open a Natural Real Organic restaraunt and sell really good food. I’d create specialty dishes and make comfort farmy foods as well. I’d get my goods from regional farms, beef, lamb, cheese, dairy, eggs, veggies, herbs … ah.
4. If I could be an inn-keeper… I’d have a Bed and Breakfast, on a small farm, and serve Quiche and other nice breakfast items, freshly made from my farm produce, and the house would be a Late Victorian or Arts & Crafts style. I’d furnish it as Country taking cues from the Arts & Crafts movement. Simple elegance, country charm. Shabby chic maybe though as well.
There would be things for guest to do, croquet, badmitton, nature walks, animals to help feed, and stuff, maybe horses to ride. Dogs to play with. Cats to play with.
I’d go to England and buy a big house or inn on the moors of Yorkshire and open for business, with copies of Daphne du Maurier books available in each room, and a bar with good spirits and great local and regional and foreign brews. The dining room would have good hefty meals available. Imagine a dark brooding inn.
5. If I could be a bonnie pirate… I’d be a boy with long dark curly hair and dress foppishly elegant as a Bonnie Pirate would. I’d be dashing and handsome and have a lady in every port. But then I wouldn’t be a nice Christian either, so … I’d just be a bad boy for awhile if God made me that, then I’d convert and become a great man of God and do the same things, just not be a bonnie pirate but a Bonnie Christian Pirate and be a nice guy and marry a nice lady and not pirate people, but learn to ship goods and trade and maybe just settle down on some tropical island with my lady and have a brood of children and hunting dogs.
But I’m a girl and happy to be me.
I can be four of the above choices, not #5. I pray that God will bring the opportunities our way to farm and sing and such. ๐
I have to have a 6th choice too though.
6. If I could be a scientist… I’d be mad one too, just like Lucy! ๐ heheheheee
4 responses to “If I Could Be …”
Oh my! #5 had me ROTFLOL!!! Hey, at least you have the hair goin’ for ya! ๐
ROTFLOL! Thanks! I needed that right about now. Whew!
I wrote that yesterday and didn’t consider how funny it was at all. I meant it humorously, but then didn’t really know my own genius, as usual ๐
Your version was much more interesting than mine, Marysue or would you rather be called Maisy? I’d like to know which you’d prefer :o)
(btw, i’ve changed my blog)
Call me “Maisy” and know that if there is confusion default to “Marysue (Maisy)” as a distinctive difference, (such as if there is another “Maisy” around, and I haven’t run into any others yet.)
It’s a relatively new name for me, just a year, or less, that I’ve been using it now, I guess. It’s more me than my given name though, so we are sticking with it for me (my children really like it, and DH isn’t partial to any name ๐ )
In any case, it’s a sometimes “nickname” in the elderdays that was used for “Mary” and that is how come I got stuck on it so hard. It’s different enough to be me. ๐
Some people only think of Maisy Mouse when they hear it and that turns them off. Well I perfectly LOVE Lucy Cousin’s books, Maisy and her others. They are wonderful simple graphical but eye popping cute books for young children (and their mama’s!) and if I share a “mouse” name with a character of Lucy Cousins, well then I do. That’s fine.
It’s not like I’m “Mickey” or “Minnie” ๐
I don’t feel like a mouse though. I feel like Maisy Me. Or Crazy Maisy, or Maisy Is Crazy, any of those are me too … ๐ Just call me “Maisy” though. ๐
Thanks for the new blog headsup. Got it!