Month: June 2005

  • Asa’s Ratty Hair Fixed Up

    This past weekend I de-rats-nested Asa’s hair. He has wavy hair, soft waves, and in the back it just gets snarled all up easily, if I don’t specially care for it EVERY day, which is the problem. I have just “let it go” on most days if we are going nowhere, as is often the…

  • My Laptop is History

    My Vaio GRV-550 laptop bit the dust earlier this week. It was in a geriatric state since nearly two years before, when my two then toddlers poured Coca-Cola on the keyboard. I saved the computer, but lost functionality of the keyboard and touchpad mouse and a USB port and FireWire port. It sat opened up,…

  • Arlene’s Effect and Longer Days

    Friday it was hot and muggy and the air had no breeze to speak of, basically. Saturday the air was wonderful, low to mid 70’s, low humidity, breezy to light gusty. Arlene, first tropical named storm of the Atlantic 2005 Hurricane Season, made things nice for us on Saturday. Her rain came then though, and…

  • Northern Mockingbirds June 2005

    Northern Mockingbird Nestlings On June 2, 2005 the Northern Mockingbird’s in our backyard Autumn Flame Maple Tree fledged. They do not really fly right away. They come out and hop around on the ground. I was expecting them to be ready anytime then and through that weekend. In the morning we found one baby out…

  • The Heat is Here

    It was cool last week … well, let’s see, the week that was the last one in May. My time is messed up a bit, we’ve been HOT and sick and generally those two aren’t so good together, if you know what I mean. Temps in the house have been 85 degrees F. or higher…