Katrina’s Tail End
We are still under Tornado Watch and possible flash flood watch … but that seems to be one that affects those more by creeks and rivers, pond, streams, lakes, etc. We don’t have one that close. It’s not that we won’t ever be flooded, but it’s less likely where we are. We have had lots…
A Tribute to Katrina
I made up a new poem-ic phrase while IM’ing with Frankie last night: Rumble, rumble, boil and crumble. You know — the witchy brew chanting of literary edges … it’s a play on that. Offshoot tornadoes, awesome power in storms such as Katrina. If you watch the news [about Katrina] you’ll see some things from…
Under Tornado Warnings
We are under particular Tornado Warnings/Watches this evening. Just a while ago, oh about an hour ago already, I heard a bunch of rumblings to the South, and sure enough it was dark out that way, and lighting could be seen cloud to cloud. It then started to be the more dangerous type, ground to…
Tropical rain begins
We have sprinkles starting, the sky is dark grey and blackish clouds … and it’s a large area of such. The radar for our state shows rain over us and growing. The county next to us to the west has/had tornado warnings. So … the evening rainy thundersomeness of tropical moisture has begun for us.…
Georgia Clouds – Tropical Connection to Katrina
I took a few pictures of some clouds forming and coming in, from the Westerly direction. Beautiful clouds. Here are two of the pictures.
Hurricane Katrina
Hurricane Katrina coverage on the Weather Channel is what I’ve been watching the last few days on and off, I watched it through this past night (when I was awake, as I was and have been the last several days, a pattern that I go through often enough, it’s not unusual) and so I’ve seen…
Ode to a Lizzard
Ode to a Lizzard Death came quickly to your doorstep I tried to protect you but all in vain For I was the one who wielded the weapon I was the one who caused you the pain I cried with sorrow at your passing I cried with guilt I cried with shame But those around…
13 is supposedly a bad number. They say the 7 year itch is something. Now it’s just a year before the double of 7.
Frank got a desk for himself and a desk for me this past week. I put mine together the other day, it was easy, I just needed help with the glass for the top, carrying it over to be installed, then flipping the entire unit once built. I’m in the torn-apart kitchen with the new…
Hens and dog again
I just moved the Leghorn pen, the slow way, inch by inch, pull this side, pull that side, straighten that part, pull again … etc. I checked for eggs there this morning, much earlier, and noticed dirt next to the pen, and a hole right there. There were no eggs in the pen. Victoria had…
Various: Cold, Kitty Litter, etc.
Today I feel a lot better, and I thank God very much for that! But saying that I’m still sick, my throat actually is scratchy again too. I’m not sneezing, or at least not as much as I did yesterday. No sneeze *yet* today, in other words. Yesterday I noticed the tickly trickle make you…
Soup, Weather, TV
I’m on day #, … ? I guess three or four, of symptoms … this cold, ugh. I’ve dragged through the past few days due to having this ‘puter to occupy myself with 🙂 The TV isn’t much value when there is nothing much on. I mean, DirecTv and there is nothing on. I can’t…
It’s mid-morning in the USA now, and Audioscrobbler’s site is still only showing the “new site” message, but the magic behind the scenes must be working, the plugin I use is connecting and submitting now. It wasn’t earlier this morning. Progress! Update: [1:52pm] The plugin only connected to send in three or four tracks, but…
Audioscrobbler Updating
Audioscrobbler has been down for site maintenance. I got hooked on using them in, uh, May I think, or some such timeframe near to that. In July I had my computer, the Vaio GRV-550 laptop that died, it’s what I used to listen to music up in the main floor area of the house, connected…
Rainy Monday
Frank is out of town today. He’s got my cold now too, just the headcold part so far. He doesn’t sound so good over the phone. He says he’s feeling OK though. I, for myself, am not feeling that bad, but I had another bad night last night, that’s three in a row. It’s this…
Go figure
Go figure, the last post I wrote yesterday, I felt much better. My throat felt better. Big deal it was! Really. But by the time it was nearing bedtime I was aware of the truth. I was only going downhill. I have a cold. I am now miserable. Bad night, awoke with the clock by…
Windy Mocky Weather
I was just outside a bit ago, and there was a new storm brewing over head. My throat has gotten better since I last wrote, the previous post to this. Anyhow, the sky was black in patches, large patches, funny format of edge design, very flat clouds. There was blue sky visible, but not very…
It’s going, but blah
I’m not feeling so swell. All night I felt miserable while I was “supposed” to be asleep, but often am not. I was more miserable than normal. When daylight came and I got out of bed (I ususally, during such nights do sleep a bit right before and after dawn, also sometime earlier in the…
Plugins and Uprades: Troubles
Working through issues, I’m not sure what’s what. I have been using CG-Referrer as a logging program and nasty combatant. I had WP 1.5 running since moving Hosts, and meant to get another WP running, but didn’t until yesterday. All along since updates to WP have been out I meant to upgrade, but didn’t, until…
A/C has helped
Life in our house since getting A/C Window units has been better, some. Yes, nicer, not sticky and overwelming any more. Thoughts of Fall are on me … the unit in the Kitchen Window blocks most of the morning light that we have had coming in there since living here. In the Spring we took…