PalmSync for Thunderbird AB
I got PalmSync to work (a Thunderbird extention to work with MozAB) today. I had tried and tried it when I first got my (Palm) Zire 31 not too long ago. I gave up. I tried it on my DH’s laptop as well, and Nada … so I gave up totally. Today I got it…
Dual Obsoleteness
Courtesy of: Tamara. I took this quiz twice, four of the Q’s I answered the same as before, but otherwise not. Following are the Two-Sides-of-Maisy: (fairly accurate of who I am, the divided me 😉 ) You are ‘programming in QBASIC’. This programming language (of which the acronym stands for ‘Quick Beginners’ All-purpose Symbolic Instruction…
Common Orb Weaver
Common Orb Weaver Originally uploaded by CrazyMaisy. I wrote about this spider the other week. I’ll load up more pictures and write about it more later. Go ahead and click the picture, I have a few more pictures loaded now on Flickr … which you can access via the picture’s link.
I’m trying out FLOCK. Find it at http://www.flock.com. What is FLOCK? It’s a tool to use with blogs. It’s a browser too, built off of Mozilla. I use Firefox and love it. FLOCK is not a replacement, it’s still in BETA. It’s a way to aggregate posting of your blogs, if you have more than…
Autumn is truly here
I got an audio book from Audible today, for the Autumn season … it’s not a “Halloween” thing, we “don’t do halloween”. It’s a spooky audio book though. The cool weather has finally arrived. It was unseasonably warm (really hot) just the other week, and the last four or five days has been heavenly. Tonight…
We have a new store near-by
We just got a new store a few miles away. There was a K-Mart there before, but it’s one that closed when they closed a bunch of their stores some time ago. The space is nearly filled now, as store after store slowly has taken up part of the empty space. We have the first…
I’ve been watching a spider on our front porch of late. Actually maybe two. In mid-Summer I noticed, upon coming home from somewhere after dark, that there was a very large spider hanging in the upper left-hand back corner of the porch. It freaked me out at first, it was so grotesque to see it…
My Bookpile Contest Entry
Library Thing’s Bookpile Contest A note about this photo: I was on the LibraryThing blog and read the post there about the contest. So I briefly thought about it, read the contest “rules” aloud to my husband, while he didn’t listen very closely, then immediately got up from my computer seat and went to my…
Silly Mispronunciations
Overheard just moments ago: “Where’s my leap pad?” asked Asa. “It’s downstairs under the fruiton,” answered Victoria, matter-of-factly. :rolleyes: 😆 The mysterious “fruiton” is only a basic, quite normal, “futon”. 🙂 Asa is 5. Victoria is 6 .. soon turning 7.
Je suis français
Found thanks to Tamara: You Are French Food Snobby yet ubiquitous. People act like they understand you more than they actually do. What Kind of Food Are You? J’aime être français! [thanks to Google Language Tools! — I didn’t take French in school, only know a few phrases … I couldn’t have written that without…
Run FF from removable media
Firefox Help: Tips Run Firefox from removable media This advanced tip makes it possible to run Firefox from removable media, such as a USB memory stick. This will allow you to run Firefox with your personal settings from any computer, even those that don’t have Firefox installed. It has only been tested on Windows XP/2000.…