Month: January 2008

  • Related Posts

    I installed a new plugin on this blog today: “Yet Another Related Posts Plugin” … to be exact. (Referered to as YARPP) I had been thinking of finding some such plugin for some time, and finally went hunting for one today and am very pleased with this one, how it’s working, the ease of use,…

  • Baby Q – 7 Months Old

    Baby Q is officially 7 Months old today. He’s crawling, has been “creeping” some since right before turning 6 Months old … he has not “mastered” crawling, but for all intensive purposes he gets where he wants to go when he’s on the floor. For him it’s more the hard floors that are keeping him…

  • More Tiny Tush Diapers

    We ordered more of the blue diapers that I posted about in December. They arrived on Tuesday, finally, with that “finally” meaning it took a LONG time for them to arrive. Sent “Fed Ex Home” … we ordered them ‘last year’ and they didn’t arrive until the 8th of this NEW year. A funny way…

  • Happy New Year

    2007 is gone. 2008 is here. We had “fireworks” out front on New Years Eve to mark the occasion (Costco sells big packs of “fountain” type fireworks made by TNT, this time of year and around the 4th of July.) We’ve gotten this sort of thing for the 4th starting in 2006, continued it in…