Baby Q – 8 Months Old
Baby Q is now 8-months old! He’s been progressing in his ‘crawl’ through the past month, and now just does the regular type of crawling, hands and knees. A couple of days ago he was in the living area and I went upstairs to tell my DH something, and told A., the 7-year old, to…
Under the Weather 2-08
My hubby was in the NYC area over a week ago, and when he came home he promptly started showing symptoms of a virus and it grew, and grew. We were scheduled to leave to go with him to FL for his next business trip, which would be Tuesday-Friday/Saturday this past week. So he was…
Diaper Covers
We got our new diaper covers on Saturday. They are nice. More later. When I can actually type and maybe post a picture of Baby @ in one. He’s fussing and I just can’t post more right now.