Baby Q – 8 Months Old

Baby Q is now 8-months old! He’s been progressing in his ‘crawl’ through the past month, and now just does the regular type of crawling, hands and knees.

A couple of days ago he was in the living area and I went upstairs to tell my DH something, and told A., the 7-year old, to watch the baby while I was gone. I was gone 2 to 3 minutes and did hear the baby crying pretty much right away. I went to go back down stairs then, and found my crying babe on the middle of the steps up … [big brother was missing. A. seems to have forgotten what “watch the baby” for Mama means…] so now he can “climb the stairs” and we have to watch him closely now, more than ever, he’s wanting to climb the stairs often.

He also has been “pulling up” more and more. He did that a long time ago, for the first time, and has done it more and more and now does it anywhere he wants to. He wants to “walk” but isn’t really trying to do it by his-self, you can see that he wishes to do it though. He’s just a pest now with the “pulling up” getting into everything. Writing this post, for instance, is really hard. I never had a laptop with a little guy around before.

Well, we were going to FL the other week, and canceled that trip because of illness. We are trying it again this week, and we seem to be OK thus far. We are still getting over the last part of the illness (the left over cough and congestion that lingers.)

We hope to see some Spring Training, though don’t know if we can see a game anywhere or not. Baseball is starting! 🙂

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