It’s hot out. Despite that, when checking for eggs, I nearly always go and pick around in the garden. From now on I need to be sure and have a long sleeve over-shirt on. I can see freckles on my arms that were not there this morning.
I always put on my wide-brimmed hat when going out. I suppose that’s why I’m able to tolerate being out longer. So now I need to be sure and cover my arms well enough.
All in all, the garden is doing nicely. One pepper bit the dust when some creature dislocated it from the parent plant. Rabbit, perhaps? That was on Monday morning I found it had happened.
The Yellow Brittle Wax Beans are nearly all beginning to flower, pretty little white blooms, destined to be delicious yellow wax beans.
The Green Snap Bush beans that I planted nearly a week and a half ago are up and looking mightily strong, and I need to thin them. I generally try and gently remove plants from where I don’t want them, and find a new spot for them. In past times, I’d not thin at all, not wanting to get rid of perfectly good plants, just because they were too close. My revised method is working alright. Not all plants take to the method, but most do, and that’s better than outright culling them.
My German Thyme is growing well, but one of the plants (I have two) has a big ant hill in it suddenly. That will have to go, or I’ll not be able to harvest the Thyme without ants coming along.
Lastly the tomatoes are all doing rather well. Three Roma’s (determinate) are all flowering and have tiny little new tomatoes showing. One German Queen (indeterminate), is very tall and flowering, and is sporting many teeny tiny tomatoes. I then have an uncertain amount of each of the following varieties: Big Beef, Red Beefsteak, Big Boy. I have five tomatoes in a row times two. One is a German Queen, then the other three I just mentioned are amongst the rest of those two rows. The Roma’s share a row with Bell Peppers.
Then on another section of the garden are the three Mr. Stripey tomatoes (heirloom, indeterminate). Better Boy makes up five more plants in that region, I think (variety may be in question) and one “Park’s Whopper”. I lost one of the “Better Boy” plants due to the stem breaking before being planted. I planted it, but it seems that something stole it away out the ground entirely. Rabbit, perhaps?
On a whim I planted three sweet pototoes we had in the kitchen. I found them behind something, when moving things around. They were in a brown paper bag. I recall that they came from South Georgia when we purchased them from a veggy stand on the way home from a Florida trip last Spring. They had long growths with little leaves on them, so I popped them into the ground. I have no idea if I’m doing it all wrong or what. It may be the wrong way and the wrong time of the year, or visa versa one or the other. Anyway, they are still there, no mysterious “whisking away” of them, yet.
I started Mantis-ing out a new herb garden, right behind the garage, yesterday. It’s just too hot to get it all done. I need to though, since I have some new plants to go into it. These plants: Plants, Plants, Plants from June 6.