My Tomato Woes

Check out this post from the Egg Report today about worm eggs. My garden was doing alright, in some ways, but now my tomatoes are being attacked. I saw a worm coming out of a hole in the last week or two, and killed it immediately, it was very small, tiny really. A few days later I found another tomato in the same situation. I did the same thing.

The last few days I’ve pulled many holey tomatoes off the plants. I’m so disturbed by it, and so I searched online yesterday. I’m not heartened to find buggy info, it never gives me really good news, KWIM? At any rate, I’m surely just going to be on garden duty more often, and getting rid of eggs and worms and whatever as soon as possible. Most of the damage is not that easy to spot, and then I have to determine if a certain fruit can stay or not, with holes. Is it damage heavily, are there worms inside or not? How can I know! It’s supposedly that most of the damage worms cause is superficial, or just under the surface, not going INTO the fruit, making those tomatoes candidates for paste or juice.

This is not my idea of a good year with tomatoes. I’ve never had THIS kind of worm problem, and I’m an not chemically inclined either. 🙁

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