I’ve just changed my archiving method. If you have a link to anything I’ve written before, it’s changed now. My Individual archives are dirified by title and in category folders, meaning:
Say I have a post on “January 1, 2004” and it’s titled “Happy New Year” and it’s main Category is “Holidays and Celebrations”
it would be found at: /archives/holidays_and_celebrations/happy_new_year.php
That’s where Individual posts are to be linked to.
Month and Daily archives are now here:
/archives/2004/Jan/index.php for the Monthly archive page
<$MTArchiveDate format="%Y/%b/index.php"$>
and dailies are in their respective year and month folder and are titled, for example:
<$MTArchiveDate format="%Y/%b"$>/<$MTArchiveDate dirify="1" format="%B %e, %Y">.php
(I’ve never had anything linked to them, but just in case I ever do, they are there. If I have one post on any day, it’ll archive as a daily, and any other post on the same day archive on that same page. It’s the same premise as Monthly archives.)
The above are all ficticious paths and files, btw.
I’ve wanted to do this in the past, but didn’t wrap my mind around how to get the codes for the paths the way I’d want them. It’s a confusing thing and takes time to figure out, since there isn’t an easy example of different hierarchies of filing ways for MT, easily found, that is.
I was working on another installation of MT today, and it’s where I decided I HAD to use a different method because of how I wanted to use it. I got it worked out fairly fast. So it inspired me to take the plunge on this blog and get it done.
For some reason, it didn’t work so smoothly. I had to manually create all my directories via FTP. On the other installation of MT I didn’t have to do that. Weird. Same Host. Same files, from same source on my computer, that is. Well, I did have trouble in the past deleting something that MT created on this site when uploading with it. So it’s possibly a weirdness in how this one domain is set up. ๐
I did an overhaul some time ago when I converted all my files to .php extentions. That means all the google and yahoo, etc links out there are dead when one does a drastic change like renaming extentions, or totally changing the directory structure. For me that’s what it is, I have no control over any .htaccess files, so I have no way to re-direct or have nice 404 pages and error pages.
I have a good host, a friend, but some things are just set to default and there’s only so much I can ask for without being a pest and a half. I do want to do my own hosting someday so I can do what I want and not bug anyone at all, but myself ๐
I’m considering doing an over haul of my photolog directories, but I’m not sure how I’ll do it. I’ll do it a bit differently than this one and the other one I did earlier today elsewhere.
I’d put the code for what I did in my archive paths, but I am too bleary eyed and brained to find the solution on how to do that. I need something, a plugin or something, and I’m not finding it. Well, maybe tomorrow after a few hours sleep I’ll be more successful. ๐ DONE.