Ode to the Ale
By Marysue Meints*
Crazy Maisy loves Corsendonk Pale
Red Tail, Red Brick, ale, ale, ale!
Give me a brick and a tail, and a tale
Abbey, micro, [home?] brewing ALE! ALE! ALE!
* a.k.a. Crazy Maisy
© 2004
I wrote this poem Saturday, September 18, 2004, on a whim. That’s the way I write poetry. I don’t even write most of it down, not that there is much in the first place. At any rate, this I DID write down 🙂
Inspiration for it is obvious, Ale! All the things mentioned are actual brands, as well has homebrewing.
Corsendonk Pale is a Belgium Tripel Style Ale, imported from Belgium.
Red Brick is an Amber Ale, brewed in Atlanta, GA by the Atlanta Brewery
Red Tail is an Amber Ale brewed by the Medencino Brewery, the distribution we have is from the brewery in New York State.
We have several friends from church who homebrew.