I’m working on our church’s web site. Once a new hosting site is found I’ll be updating the site with my pages. I code by hand, and it’s a task I enjoy. I’ll put a preview link here later, when I have some more content on my site. I’m loading on this site it to get it working ahead of time.
I’m using some css, actually, quite a bit. It’s the way things are going, and I sure hope that everyone who won’t be able to see CSS made pages will put some effort into getting a newer internet browser! 🙂
CSS is a way to really enhance web pages, and make changes easily in the future, once a web site is installed. It makes adding pages easy, and changing the look of the whole site by changing just one, or a few more, pages, depending on how one’s site is set up.
It’s fun stuff!
How do I learn my HTML and CSS? By browsing, looking at other people’s pages, looking at tutorial sites, and absorbing the information and putting it to use. Some people would need to have a book or take classes, but I bet that others can learn how to do web coding the same way I do. Just jump right in and do it!