Re-doing things here
I’m re-designing this blog template layout. I’m doing it in pieces. I’ve changed the header and the sidebar, but am not done with them yet. I’m doing on the fly, and leaving what I do until I work on it and change it again. I’m in a mood to get it historical looking, old, something…
It took my day but
We got a new PSU yesterday, and didn’t get home until later, so I didn’t try installing it until this morning. I installed it and … nuthing changed. I spent “I have no clue how much time” re-connecting stuff and re-doing that, reading on the mobo forum when I had a chance to use Frankies…
Upgrades to Computer and House
Consensus of the computer situation led us to just get a new motherboard and processor. From what I read it’s probably the processor that died. Not for sure though. So it’s on to a new build of computer for me 🙂 The Athlon processor world has changed dramatically over the last few years. Our now…
Desktop Mysterious USB
My computer, the desktop, started fritzing out again today, after nearly running for 24-hours fine since the heatsink re-seating. Temps were fine though. I determined after several BSOD incidents that it was my mouse, USB driven thing with a tail. All my mice are USB driven, any around that are for the computer, that is.…
Household Changes
I re-seated the heatsink on the desktop mb this afternoon. I had wanted to do this for awhile, but since my “stuff” is in such disarray, I hadn’t looked hard enough to find my Artic Silver, which I’d be needing to do the job. So I motivated to find it today. The computer yesterday started…
Device Updates
I’m excited about something on eBay … Dh let me bid on a Canon Digital and I got the high bid (won) this early AM! It’s the elder Digital Rebel, not the new 8 megapixel but the first sort, the 6.3. It’s a super upgrade for me, and what I have had my eye on…
My Laptop is History
My Vaio GRV-550 laptop bit the dust earlier this week. It was in a geriatric state since nearly two years before, when my two then toddlers poured Coca-Cola on the keyboard. I saved the computer, but lost functionality of the keyboard and touchpad mouse and a USB port and FireWire port. It sat opened up,…
If I Could Be …
I found this on Lucy’s Livejournal … Here’s a game… How to play:I have to pick 5 occupations out of the list below and post my answers. Then I tag 3 other people to post their answers on their blog. If I tag you, and you don’t want to be a part of this, then…
Blogging back up again
I finally have this weblog on. It’s on my new host. I have my hyperthinking site on that host too. I’ll have some stuff on my “old” domain, the one this blog used to reside on. It had three domains that mirrored, but were supposed to resolve to .com, but didn’t, so some think it…
Finding the CMOS battery in Sony Vaio GRV550
{ gallery [Inside_SONY_VAIO_PCG-GRV550_the_CMOS_Battery] } Picture One: My GRV550 doesn’t have a keyboard, so if yours does, just ignore the bottom portion of the picture. You see at the top left the top-left part of the body of the Vaio GRV550 … with the “speaker grille” flipped up. To do that, find the little screw on…
I’ve been busy and off-line
Off-line, but not by choice. Our DSL was down since last Thursday until late this morning. It’s still not working well, it works but drops off occasionally. While we were without DSL we were totally without it. We had no signal at all. We had phone service though. We complained and complained to our provider…
NPP Stuff
For Cindy: the NPP Link: Paul Perspective. I originally posted it on Valerie‘s weblog here. I haven’t written about the topic on this weblog. I would be happy to do that on Hyperthinking, so I’ll post this link there too. 🙂
Mary Sue Candy and Marysue
Someone searched Yahoo for “Marysue Easter Eggs” and a few links for my site came up near the top. That is totally normal I think, since I am Marysue and I talk about eggs often enough, and apparently even have the word “easter” in a post or more than one. 😉 I found out about…
Book Meme: What’s nearest you
Found this Book Meme out on ‘the web’ 1. Grab the nearest book. 2. Open the book to page 123. 3. Find the fifth sentence. 4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions. 5. Don’t search around and look for the “coolest†book you can find. Do what’s actually…
More info on the Probably Poker Hit – maybe – maybenot
see: WordPress Support Forum Post The quote below is the last thing I wrote to the thread linked above … and the site there is broken, so I can’t post it. Another thing to add, the last piece of SPAM commenting I got was an Online Poker piece of crap … I have gotten little…
Upgrade to WP 1.5 complete
I’ve now upgraded this weblog to WP 1.5. It was a bit difficult due to my customization of my comments form, but I got it straightened out fairly fast. I had to change some of the the php tags from “{ ?>” to ” : ?>” and then I forgot to transfer a couple of…
WordPress 1.5
I converted my “other weblog” over to WP 1.5 yesterday. I’m planning on doing that here as well. It’s going to be a bit dicey though, as I need to clean up my CSS file anyhow, and to convert the existing blog, I’m not so sure I want to with all the plugins and stuff…
Saturday and Sunday Eggs and more
1-16-2005 Egg Count: AM – 1 White 2.1 ounces PM – 1 White 1.8 ounces Total Eggs: 2 We are home this Sunday morning. Still drippy nosed and such, with Dh getting worse, me getting better. About the hens: On Saturday, yesterday, January 16, 2005 — there was an egg in the SuperYard, underneath the…
Showing My Desktop
This should be “Show Me Your Desk” but is instead: Showing My Desktop! Found through: Tulip Girl and Karen: Life with 4 Kids and a Dog and Donna: Quiet Life. I have a digital camera, but my “desk” setup is chaos right now. I have my geriatric laptop stuck on the same shelf of our…
Strider by Maisy
I am artistic, but not an “artist” by any means. I am not “naturally good with any artistic mediums to create”. I do mean “art” here, as in drawing, painting, etc. I have a natural talent for being ABLE to do things. I have “my own way” of doing such things. I haven’t been trained.…