Another little Quiz
I found this via Kelly’s blog. It’s pretty right on, with me being an INTP with a quarter E thrown in, but most ENTP descriptions fit me fine with everything, exeception that I gain energy from being alone, internally which is Introvert, as an E gains it from being with others which is Extrovert. That’s…
Book Meme
Our library is not all out of boxes, so I couldn’t do total checking, but by all accounts I do believe I have little of what Carmon (she who went before me book-meme-wise) did write down. HereΓ’β¬β’s how it works. Copy the list, then remove from it the names of any authors not in your…
Wikki Stix
Wikki Stix are cool, fun, made in the USA and cheap. We have only come into contact with them physically at one place. Ted’s Montana Grill. Wikki Stix are available to restaurants, and other businesses from their website. Restaurants usually have crayons and paper things for children. Do you know how argumentative that can be…
Trackback and Pings
Lesson Learned: Trackback DOES work for me, just the Virtual Site thing isn’t able to work it since I’m using WP for it, and not .htaccess. Put this in your wp-comments php file, where the php bloginfo(‘url’) is the only code for a Trackback Link. It’ll allow you to display your Post ID trackback link,…
Misspelt: learned something more
CUCKOO-SPIT, CUCKOO-SPITTLE, n. A dew or exudation found on plants, especially about the joints of lavender and rosemary. Or a froth or spume found on the leaves of certain plants, as on white field-lychnis or catch-fly, called sometimes spatling poppy. I spelled Lavender as “lavendar” in the Either/Or previous post today (edited to reflect…
Either/Or Fun for the New Year
Carmon now has RSS via WP as her weblog … way to go Carmon! I also found this little frivolity on Carmon’s Site: My answers are in BOLD below the numbered line options. 1. Pillow – Down or Polyester or Foam I prefer Down but don’t own any [yet] due to cost 2. Facial or…
Which Artist Would Paint You?
I found this quiz via Carmon’s site. You have the Reynolds girl look. Reynolds girls had the typical British beauty. The eighteenth century British portrait painters would have been attracted by your brilliant complexion and your classical features. Sir Joshua Reynolds loved to paint girls like you in white dresses with blue satin sashes. Reynolds…
Edublog posts listed on sidebar now
I figured out how to get post title links automatically on the sidebar from my Edublog, so all one needs to do is look over there to the right and see the titles and click if they would like to read them. I have my recent posts (entries) from THIS blog first (well, THIS blogs…
Redesign and Update on Edublog
I’ve done some re-design to this weblog, though it may not be apparent to the eye much, the colors have changed some, and the graphics too. My main reason for writing today is to point out something else though. On the side bar, that’s to the right, I’ve moved the “recently commented on” section to…
JustBlogIt with a simple right-click
JustBlogIt with a simple right-click. Nov 7 2004 – Version 0.2 released Nice! A FireFox right-click context menu item for blogging a page quickly.
I’ve changed some of my SMILIES today. I created these in Photoshop Elements 2 Using the WOW-Plastic Style as a base. My motivation for creating new Smilies myself was: I suddenly had the inspiration of what to do: use Photoshop Elements as I use it to make other graphics, using the neat stuff in it…
My Palm Vx
I have a Palm Vx which we got … sometime ago. History of it is a long time, as I had purchased DateBook5 for it soon thereafter, and in doing some things with my Palm yesterday and today I had to ressurect the registration code, which mean hunting through old Outlook files. I found it:…
27 Q & A’s
Originally found at Carmon’s site. 1. What time do you get up? Varies, but the last month+ it’s been around 6am, just happens. Not planned. (I sleep until I awake, no clocks!) 2. If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be? My husband. A few times we’ve been able to go…
More Computer Upgrades
We did get a new MoBo (MotherBoard), an ABIT NF7-S, nice, but won’t work … due to … I think …. the Power Supply. The PSU, as it will be called from here on out, is what came with the ATX Case we already had. I was only upgrading the MoBo, but new that new…
Computer Upgrades
I was able to get a couple of new fans for the computer, the desktop one, that is. First off –a blue LED fan to suck in air to cool the interior space, glows blue when the computer is turned ON. This replaces the dull old ugly one that came with the case originally. Secondly…
Virus/Cold and stuff
I’m feeling miserable. Asa was first in line. A few days before his birthday he sounded kind of stuffy, and worse each day, and is now doing better. I, on the other hand, began feeling weird a few days after his birthday, and have been drowning in it badly since Saturday. Initially I only had…
End of Summer Organizing
My computer, the desktop, has sparked a Re-Organization, which I’d say is akin to what’s known as “Spring Cleaning”, just not “cleaning” –but moving around, throwing away, re-doing this and that –cleaning automatically happens with such as that. π My User Profile seems to have gotten mussed up somehow. I was getting Blue Screen of…
Either/Or Movie Edition
Found here: http://thinklings.org/jared/index.php?p=544&more=1&c=1 EITHER/OR Movie Edition Rules: Choose one or the other, no boths. Neither is only acceptable if you don’t have any information on either option. Feel free to provide reasons, excuses, defenses, diatribes. Matinee or Late-Night Showing— not often at the movies, but matinee near end of run is our favorite Full Theater…
Either/Or Literary Edition
Found via … carmon friedrich’s blog … sherry before that … ORIGINAL LOCATION: http://www.thinklings.org/index.php?p=1333&more=1&c=1 — go straight to the source for the cleanest copy! π I’ve fitted my version out with li and /li and br so that each line of the “quiz” is bulleted, any responses I have are right under that line beginning…
Shopping π eBaying π
UPDATE [Thursday, August 26, 2004 6:00pm Eastern]: I got a nice lot of clothes for Asa last night as well. A “one fell swoop” of what he needs for autum-winter. Earlier times pass downs from Russell worked alright if the season was right for size, as Asa is smaller than Russell was … born in…