Homeschool “Hundred Acre Wood” style
You are a Tigger Homeschooler. Tiggers jump intohomeschooling with both feet, as a grandadventure. Everything is about learning, andtheir days (and houses) show it. What kind of Hundred Acre Wood Homeschooler Are You? brought to you by Quizilla Sure, I knew that already. Woo! hoo! hoo! Just a cute quiz to take, maybe someone will…
July sure went by fast
I know time goes fast when you are having fun, but what if it goes by fast when you are definitely NOT having fun? 🙂 Time has flown for me the last few years, and this last month, July 2005, has been quite the fastest, by far, in my estimation of historical events in my…
Homeschooling, what we are
Salvador Dali Melting clocks are not a problem inyour reality. You are an unschooler. You willtolerate a textbook, but only as a last resort.Mud is your friend. You prefer hands-oneverything. If your school had an anthem, itwould be Dont Worry, Be Happy. What Type of Homeschooler Are You? brought to you by Quizilla Ha ha…
Movies for Family
Elizabeth G. asked me about movie suggestions in the comments under Updates and Rambling Talk. So here goes: For Elizabeth G. and anyone else who may care about this! In our home we have several Disney movies, mostly the “older” ones, Toy Story, The Little Mermaid, and the ones before that. I’ve been alright with…
A New Pledge, and other ideas on learning at home
I’ve been reading different things about education lately … hence these ideas: I haven’t liked the term “Home School” or the answer to the question: “What grade are you in?” or “Are you ready to go back to school” and the myriad of others that abound. It didn’t bother me always to use the term…
We are expecting it to rain anytime, accoring to the radar it should be raining 😉 At any rate, it’s after dusk and I was outside and noticed a few lights flashing here and there around the fence in the back yard, under the Locust Tree. Sure enough, it was Fireflies! Sounds like a silly…
Three New Items Added
Yesterday I had Russell and Victoria make new pictures to scan for the web. Here you’ll find: Our House by Russell, and the flip side of that page: A Train Named Choo-Choo-Chug-A-Chug, also by Russell. Here you’ll find: “Paperdoll” by Victoria.
Victoria’s Art: A Scene, front and back
Page 1 There’s a link to page two on page one.
School is beginning in many places very soon. We homeschool, so nothing much is changing for us. We don’t do anything formal yet, in the way of education. Our oldest is Russell, and he’s 6. He’s learning to read, count, and how to learn. He’s exploring and expanding in knowledge. Well, the same goes for…