Christmas 2013
Merry Christmas! Christmas was nice this year. It wasn’t awesome for photographs though, I didn’t take very many. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to, it just didn’t happen. I got the (then) soon to be retired LEGO Red Cargo Train last Christmas, but didn’t build it until this month. It’s under the tree, which…
Leave Her to Heaven
I finally got to go to the used bookstore that’s just a few-ish miles away. We did pick up a few things, but I didn’t find all I was looking for. One book that I did find though, which I had never looked for, is Leave Her to Heaven by Ben Ames Williams, published in…
Speaking of good books, as in the last post, the Inheritance Trilogy has this site linked … which looks good, and we are very excited about it, even though we’ve not read the books yet, but since I’m writing about it all today, and my wireless keyboard is going nuts, not working right: I declare…
Thursday awlfuls turn to Friday good
Last night I wrote that I wasn’t feeling well, and Victoria was sick too. So I went to bed at 6:30pm and just layed there, watched TV and rested. Frank went to the store and got TV dinners for the children, and some mac and cheese from the deli and a ham slice for me.…
Merry Christmas Everyone!
It’s Christmas Eve, the tree is trimmed. It’s just a little trimmed, it’s a little tree. 4Ft. Tall, it looks like a minature Christmas Tree, it’s like a Full Fledged tree, just small. It’s also ALIVE. Alberta Spruce, of some sort, it’s going to get a couple or so feet taller, and end up about…
LoTR Return of the King – Extended
It comes out today. The final installment, the REAL movie of Return of the King. 🙂 Oh, the theatrical one was good, but this one will be much better. It’s the way of the good movies. They save the good stuff for the DVD, leave it on the cutting floor for the theatres. It ensures…
I’ve liked some Science Fiction since I can remember, but haven’t ever delved deep into it on my own, only sometimes finding something new every so often, and clinging to it. I am a SF lover, just constrained by my own ignorance of what’s out there. I like Cordwainer Smith, and tried to find whatever…
Movies for December
In the previous post today I refered to our “Newest Tradition” of going to the movies as a family on Christmas Day. This year I wasn’t sure what was coming out, so I went to rottentomatoes.com and checked out UPCOMING releases. I found these: Blade: Trinity comes out on Dec 8 Lemony Snicket comes out…
Holiday and Traditions
This week is a holiday week in our home, as it is for so many in the US. But for us, it’s a double-holiday on the same day, Victoria turns Six on the 25th. This is part and parcel of life for us since her birth, with her being born the evening before Thanksgiving Day,…
Either/Or Movie Edition
Found here: http://thinklings.org/jared/index.php?p=544&more=1&c=1 EITHER/OR Movie Edition Rules: Choose one or the other, no boths. Neither is only acceptable if you don’t have any information on either option. Feel free to provide reasons, excuses, defenses, diatribes. Matinee or Late-Night Showing— not often at the movies, but matinee near end of run is our favorite Full Theater…
My New Blue
First off the music. It’s the whole album, the whole thing. I like both Styx “The Grand Illusion” and “Paradise Theater” in particular. Recently I found an old cassette tape of PT and so we went out and found both the above on CD. Ah, the good stuff once again! Frank went out and got…
Peter Pan (2003) on DVD Today!
Peter Pan is being released on DVD today. I’m sorry it didn’t do better in the theatres, but now that it’s out on DVD I am hoping it’ll gain better audience approval. It’s a really nicely done version for the whole family, and IMO very watchable, where as I can NOT watch that horrid D-version…
Which Movie Do You Belong In
Y’all people out there should have more sense that to take so many quizes and try and entice others to take them too by displaying your own results to said quizzes … So since that’s how y’all play, I’ll just be sure and post my results too, to make sure it spread 😉 You belong…
I am this classic movie
So I took another quiz. It’s the ‘What Movie are you’ test, based on one of the personality test you can take that has the same questions, this one though just tells you that you are such and such classic movie. I took it twice. One answering 27 questions and one answering 45 of them.…
Master and Commander
We went and saw Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World yesterday, as a matinee at the theatre. It was a “private viewing” as it turned out. It’s always nice to go to a week day matinee showing of a movie, particularly one that’s been out for awhile. No one else goes 😉…
Fireplace, Movies, Bread
Well it’s fireplace day for us. It was very cold in the house yesterday, with enough wood for that day or this day. So we held out. Today I also held out as long as we could, so now the fire is started. The morning wasn’t so bad really, but by 11am cold toes were…
My Peter Pan Desktop
I took the splash graphics from the Peter Pan movie site and put them together in Photoshop Elements 2, and pieced together some black to cover a hole, and also to cover over the graphic “playing now” as shown on the site currently. I then “saved for web” and re-sized it in that utility as…
Collecting graphical evidence
Guess I need to explain parts of the earlier post a bit. I like movies. I like electronic movie stuff. I love graphics and photos and doing stuff with stuff on the ‘puter, so that’s part of my addictive hobby, collecting avatars and movie clips and stills and such, when the whim hits. It’s not…
Cold, diversion needed
It’s a cold day. It was so nice the last few days. Well, DH is out-of-town, in the Carolina’s where there is snow from this same weather system we had here yesterday and today. We don’t have that though. It’s 44 degrees F. right now, with overcast skies. No warming sun, just residual cold left…
Movies for Family
Elizabeth G. asked me about movie suggestions in the comments under Updates and Rambling Talk. So here goes: For Elizabeth G. and anyone else who may care about this! In our home we have several Disney movies, mostly the “older” ones, Toy Story, The Little Mermaid, and the ones before that. I’ve been alright with…