Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Frank, happy birthday to you! Frank is 38 today. That makes him 2 years older than me, for 8 days. 🙂
Good Things going down
See my first post for today on my Eggreport. Something different happened when I first checked the hens today. Then see my second post for today on my Eggreport. Something really big happened today, and something cool too. Which is which? Interchangeable, I’d say! Post comments here and there, or anywhere!
New kitty in our house!
We picked up our new kitty yesterday. It’s a 7 week old brown, black, and tawny stiped male. He’s so cute. Curtesy the Greenewald family of our church. Out of Bloomer, he’s one of a litter of 5. One female that looked similar, though more tawny than black, and three male versions of red (orange)…
Ladies Tea Party
We had a Mother and Daughter Tea at our Pastor’s house today. Victoria and I attended. It was her first-time to a “tea party”. The little girls all had Raspberry Tea, and the “older girls” had a choice of at least four. I drank Irish Breakfast. I can’t recall the other names … so if…