Category: Hens

  • Eggs for Jan 22 2005

    1-22-2005 Egg Count: Total Eggs: 0 Frank and I just went out and checked for eggs, and there were none. That was 1:00 PM. The weather is rather nasty. It’s foggy/hazy very wet mist all the way to the ground, with everything coated with a light wet film of water. The air is supposedly 37…

  • Eggs for Jan 21 2005

    1-21-2005 Egg Count: 12:10 PM – 1 White 1.9 ounces 1:00 PM -1 White 1.9 ounces Total Eggs Thus Far: 2 I’ve checked for eggs a few times today, and there are none yet. Yesterday I collected a warm one at 11am. It’s now about 12pm, so maybe I’ll get something very soon. I just…

  • Wednesday and Thursday Eggs for Jan 19 and 20

    Estimate: 1-20-2005 Egg Count: 8:30 AM – 2 White 1.7 ounces, 2.1 ounces 11:00 AM – 1 White 2.4 ounces 11:45 AM – 1 Brown 1.8 ounces Total Eggs: 4 Estimate: 1-19-2005 Egg Count: 2 White Total Eggs: 2 note: 1 egg was frozen when found Eggs for yesterday and today are a bit confusing.…

  • Eggs for Jan 18 2005

    1-18-2005 Egg Count: 11:15 AM – 1 Brown 1.6 ounces Total Eggs Thus Far : 1 It’s cold. 18 degrees on the F. scale. Brrr! I’ve not donned the gear to trudge through the backyard to check the hens yet. Once I do, this is the post on which any findings will be reported. 🙂…

  • Eggs for Jan 17 2005

    1-17-2005 Egg Count: 10:00 AM – 1 White 1.8 ounces 12:30 PM – 1 White 1.9 ounces Total Eggs : 2 It’s a cold day. It was in the 20’s last night, and supposed to be around 39 for a high today. It’s not bitterly cold though, fairly a mild cold. It’s creeping into the…

  • Saturday and Sunday Eggs and more

    1-16-2005 Egg Count: AM – 1 White 2.1 ounces PM – 1 White 1.8 ounces Total Eggs: 2 We are home this Sunday morning. Still drippy nosed and such, with Dh getting worse, me getting better. About the hens: On Saturday, yesterday, January 16, 2005 — there was an egg in the SuperYard, underneath the…

  • New Eggs

    I checked the hens this mid-morning, and they hadn’t laid anything. It’s 2:45pm and I just got back from checking, as I walked up to the A-Frame I saw that Hawklady was down on the ground. “Good,” I thought to myself, “she must have laid an egg.” Surprise, surprise, when I opened the nest loft…

  • Rain and Biddies

    There’s a big line of storms marching from West to East … USA. The southern line is near us. Fragments of storm have been around most of the day, but the heavy line is coming sooner than later. All day I’ve gone out now and then to check the hens, *looking for an egg!* but…

  • Another First Egg

    It’s 12:10pm, and I finally went out to feed the hennies. No green egg, but in the SuperYard nest box, there was a long skinny white egg! It’s been so long since any of them have laid. 🙂 I was glad to see their box filled with hay and a circular nest depression in it.…

  • First Egg of 2005

    Prize goes to — Hawklady! I was sluggish getting out to the hens today, and just finished re-haying the laying nest boxes and feeding them. This weekend I came down with a cold/virus, minor sore throat, allergy scratchylike really, on Friday, Saturday it was worse, but still not “cold like” but then woke up Sunday…

  • Weather stays mild; Hens

    The weather has been so very mild the last few weeks, and it’s continuing on. The current 15-day Outlook is giving us another week or more of this mild weather, with colder temps then coming in, but still only down to the mid-low-30’s at night, and into the low-50’s for day. Last year we didn’t…

  • Some Pics of the Occupied Pen

    I got outside earlier to take some pictures. I did it as fast as I could, the wind chill was something! Also, Lothar was acting WILD and really being a pest for attention and all I was out there to do was take a few pictures of the new pen and hens inside. Here’s him…

  • Cold and Hen Pens

    Oooh it’s a cold morning, and will be a cold day, just getting out of freezing maybe, maybe up to 38 degrees F. but then again, who knows. This is the country! I do mean: we are out in the boonies, ok? Weather people don’t have the snuff for what it takes to measure weather…

  • New Hen Pen coming soon!

    It’s a fine day, sunny with a few clouds, supposed to get up to 59 degrees F. So the day is come that Frank and I will finish the old project for the “new hen pen” which began last Spring, and fell away to do-nothing-status as it became a giant that I couldn’t move anyhow,…

  • Puffy The Hen

    I just check the hens and noticed some yellow legs sticking up in the air in the middle of their big pen. On closer investigation it appears that it’s Puffy. She’s the lighter colored Golden-Laced Wyandotte, the one that got her name for “puffing out” so comically in cooler weather last year, when it first…

  • Production is up

    Good day today for the Australorps … Four Eggs … that’s 100% of them laying today! Yesterday we had three. We had a jumbo egg from their pen this past weekend as well. [notable since really big eggs are not often laid by younger layers, and the only other we had from them came the…

  • Cooler weather is here

    Autumn is here. Summer is over. The day, yesterday, was in the 60’s but the house chilly. It was sunny, but the house chilly. It’s chilly now, early morning in the house (I’ve been up since 2am). The forescast for the next 15 days is for the highs at the most in the low 60’s…

  • My Hennies in November

    My hens have been molting for a long time, last eggs we had from them were in August, but not many. The babies, as I call our youngest, still Pullets really, the Australorps, started laying in June, and never really “got into it”. I have no idea why they ALL stopped laying mid-summer. I mean…

  • Happy October!

    Time is flying. Amazingly it is faster this year than ever before. Didn’t Winter just end, the sun just start being out more each day, when now it’s out less each day, and the temperatures aren’t AS tough, it’s backwards Spring. But it was just Spring. My garden is a mass of dead plants and…

  • An Adventure in Hennydom

    I went to feed the hens this morning and through the discovery of something amiss, and my insane desire to get it straightened out by myself, I ended up in the backyard yelling for Russell to come help me, as blood dripped and ran from totally bloody left hand. Holy cow does it hurt! My…