Category: Farming

  • New Hen Pen coming soon!

    It’s a fine day, sunny with a few clouds, supposed to get up to 59 degrees F. So the day is come that Frank and I will finish the old project for the “new hen pen” which began last Spring, and fell away to do-nothing-status as it became a giant that I couldn’t move anyhow,…

  • Puffy The Hen

    I just check the hens and noticed some yellow legs sticking up in the air in the middle of their big pen. On closer investigation it appears that it’s Puffy. She’s the lighter colored Golden-Laced Wyandotte, the one that got her name for “puffing out” so comically in cooler weather last year, when it first…

  • Production is up

    Good day today for the Australorps … Four Eggs … that’s 100% of them laying today! Yesterday we had three. We had a jumbo egg from their pen this past weekend as well. [notable since really big eggs are not often laid by younger layers, and the only other we had from them came the…

  • Cooler weather is here

    Autumn is here. Summer is over. The day, yesterday, was in the 60’s but the house chilly. It was sunny, but the house chilly. It’s chilly now, early morning in the house (I’ve been up since 2am). The forescast for the next 15 days is for the highs at the most in the low 60’s…

  • My Hennies in November

    My hens have been molting for a long time, last eggs we had from them were in August, but not many. The babies, as I call our youngest, still Pullets really, the Australorps, started laying in June, and never really “got into it”. I have no idea why they ALL stopped laying mid-summer. I mean…

  • Happy October!

    Time is flying. Amazingly it is faster this year than ever before. Didn’t Winter just end, the sun just start being out more each day, when now it’s out less each day, and the temperatures aren’t AS tough, it’s backwards Spring. But it was just Spring. My garden is a mass of dead plants and…

  • An Adventure in Hennydom

    I went to feed the hens this morning and through the discovery of something amiss, and my insane desire to get it straightened out by myself, I ended up in the backyard yelling for Russell to come help me, as blood dripped and ran from totally bloody left hand. Holy cow does it hurt! My…

  • Australorp Eggs

    Here are some egg pictures. The light brown egg is a Wyandotte egg, and the two darker brown eggs are Australorp eggs. These are the first two Australorp eggs, from Monday and Tuesday. Just shy of 22 weeks of age is when they started. Today, Wednesday, June 30, 2004 they are 22 weeks old. 🙂…

  • Fried eggs: the right way

    I’m making myself breakfast right now, and boy oh boy how I have missed my home laid eggs! I’m using the first two eggs laid, brown ones they are, and frying them as I normally do, in hot butter but on a low heat to gently cook them. They are gorgeous! We have bought the…

  • Lion and Lamb

    Tradtion says that if March comes in like a Lion it’ll go out like a Lamb, visa versa. That’s what I learned as a small child in Pennsylvania. It’s not a useful saying in The South though. In any case, March 1 and 2 have been blustery, windy, but nice days. Lots of wind gusts…

  • Our new pullet is missing

    My new chicken, the pullet I got a week ago, got out of the pen today, while we were at church. The wind blew the top metal panel off of the pen, the four hens that were in there with the new pullet were still in the pen, but new pullet was missing. She did…

  • Henny Update on Egg Report

    Check out my Egg Report for an update on what’s happening in our Henny Penny world. Henny News

  • Chickens

    I’ve been busy today with my blackleg Henny-penny, one of my favorites. I hope she’ll be alright. Well, this whole day was rather all about chickens, and nothing else. Stock up on learning, that’s what I do.

  • Good Things going down

    See my first post for today on my Eggreport. Something different happened when I first checked the hens today. Then see my second post for today on my Eggreport. Something really big happened today, and something cool too. Which is which? Interchangeable, I’d say! Post comments here and there, or anywhere!

  • Classic 50’s

    Here are two photos from my Mother. She sent them via snail mail, and I recieved them this morning. They were taken in the early 1950’s in NE Maryland, a farm, and a cow posing for my Mom. I scanned them in at a high resolution to get a larger online version than the original…

  • New Hen Photos

    New photos of the hens. We have four new hens. Click photo to go to the category page for the Henny-pennies. I add the pictures today, May 12, 2003. They were taken [today] with our cheap digital camera, so aren’t particularly wonderful, but they are utilitarian enough to be useful to look at. Our new…

  • Egg Report 2003

    See the Egg Report at the Henny-penny Egg Report … I’ve edited this post to refect the change, as I’m now [April 2003] using MT instead of Blogger Pro, as before I was using document.write method to include the egg report in this web log. Our Henny-pennies have their own page now, so please…

  • Nest box built

    On Saturday Frank and I got the nest boxes built. We still have to mount the thing on the side of the pen, we’ll be hanging it on the side so that the roof of the pen is roof of the nest box, and so then the egg collection will be easy. As well, the…

  • We have our first egg!

    We have storms moving through, last night and this morning there was lots of rain, and now it’s quiet, but rain still threatens. This was our first real thunderstorm of the year … tons of lightening throughout the night. It’s balmy now, in the mid 60’s, and very humid. So, I sloshed through the yard…

  • Happy March 2003! Various subjects

    It’s been dreary raining here for the last few days, and for us, whether or not this “Northern” phrase applies — March is coming in like a lamb … it’s just blah rain, like drizzle. There was lots of blowiness to the weather over a week ago, now that was very much the proverbial LION…