Category: Our Trees

  • 1st Yoshino Blossoms – March 10, 2012

    The Yoshino Cherry Trees have opened their first blossoms of 2012 today! They are early, as they were last year.  

  • April Freeze Damage

    I posted the other day about the “freezing weather” and wanted to post an update on the situation. When I looked at the back yard after the sun came up Sunday mornig it was obviously “frosty” out — the grass was not the bright verdant color that is usual of late. I waited awhile for…

  • April Freeze and Gardening 2007

    From Friday night to Saturday morning it was supposed to be really cold, just below freezing. I don’t think that actually happened on our property … yes it was cold, but not quite to freezing, from how the grass and blooms and herbs and such look in our yard(s) as of Saturday afternoon … Now…

  • Apple Trees will bloom soon

    Our Liberty Apple trees will be blooming soon. The buds are setting and two on one of the trees opened today. I supposed many will open tomorrow and Monday. The problem with this is that the tree that needs to bloom so that the Liberty blossoms can be fertilized is our MacFree, which rarely has…

  • Locust Nursery

    A nutty thing I’ve been doing is collecting our Locust Tree babies. They are springing up everywhere in the circumference of that dear tree. It’s the only tree that existed on our property when we first moved in, November 1997. It’s right by the property line, so not quite all ours, but mostly. It gives…

  • Spring Plant Profile

    Our trees, etc: Autumn Flame Maple – 3 : blooming October Glory Maple – 1: nearing readiness to bloom Weeping Willow – 1: leafed out and getting longer Apple: 3: waiting until April Yoshino Cherry – 3: getting ready to bloom soon Cherokee Chief Dogwood – 2: getting ready to open blooms The mystery tree…

  • Spring! Signs everywhere!

    It’s a lovely day so far. It’s supposed to be up to around 61 degrees F. The sun is shining. Spring is in the air. I forgot to post this exciting news the other day. Victoria were on the deck the other day sorting through some Thyme I’d cut out of my herb garden (hair…

  • Ice Storm Cometh

    Brrr. It’s cold again. It was so nice the last couple of days. I was wearing a summer dress yesterday. Day before too. Now it’s back to BRRRR! There is a Winter Storm Warning for our area. Should be rain coming later today, and with plummenting temperatures, Ice or Sleet or a Mix, and maybe…

  • Liberty Apple Blossoms

    Liberty Apple Blossoms

    Here is the best photo I took with the digital camera on April 9, 2004, IMO. It’s a closeup portrait of blossoms on a Liberty Apple Tree. It’s a semi-swarf tree, we have two of them, originally planted in March 1998 as small bareroot trees in the front yard, and moved to their present location…

  • Ice Storm

    On Sunday late afternoon, the rain on trees started to turn to ice. So, we finally had an ice storm. It was mild here, the roads were mostly safe, as far as we know from what we experienced. Everything was frozen through this morning, only melting as the morning warmed up finally. One and a…

  • Mild Weather and trees

    We’ve hit another mild spell in the weather. It was in the high 50’s to low 60’s on Monday (I say today, since I’ve yet to fall asleep 🙂 ) Tomorrow (really “Today” Tuesday) it’s supposed to reach 63 degrees F. The low overnight tonigh should be down to 38, and that is so much…

  • Building Time

    I was looking out the back door and noticed something moving in the Maple in the East part of the yard, directly ahead to the left a bit. I got out my binoculars, and sure enough, in the tree was a Northern Mockingbird, building a nest. I went out and looked at it a little…