Category: Seasons

  • Weather up and down coolness

    Weather up and down coolness

    We had record, for us, coolness early in the month, we used the fireplace on Nov. 5th. We’ve had it in use since then, on and off. Today it’s quite warm, in the low to mid 70’s for a high, very warm. It’ll be like this tomorrow and then a bit cooler again. I love…

  • Cold

    It’s been quite cold (for where we live) and that means the fireplace is happy! But it’s not, because we don’t have well seasoned wood. Ha ha ha, joke’s on me. It makes me not happy because it’s more than a chore to get a fire hot for the morning, or all day, as needed.…

  • November 2016 Smokey Conditions

    It’s been cooler of late, and since yesterday rather a smokey smell to the air. I looked at alerts yesterday, but I only saw one for NC but assumed it had to be associated … there is an alert today for us today, FWIW. Wildfires.

  • It’s the week of Christmas 2015!

    Less than a week until Christmas means more baking, more cleaning, more, more, more … I made a batch of Snickerdoodles yesterday. I also made up a double batch of Tollhouse Cookies, but didn’t bake them, my daughter did. I want to make a chewy molasses cookie, snowballs (russian tea cakes), and so many more…

  • Fireplace December 2013

    Fireplace December 2013

    We need to get our fireplace and chimney inspected. Yes, we burn wood every year. No, never have had it swept. Bad, bad, bad. Our fireplace has 3 panels of fire-whatever it’s called. The back one is cracked near the right side, and only recently we noticed that the left side is worse than that,…

  • Rain; Migraine; Cheeseburger Macaroni

    It’s been raining a lot lately. Thunderstorms, warnings, flash flood watches, etc. Last year it was like this around now. Both in 2012 and this year we had rain on the 4th of July, but windows of no rain opened up to let us do our fireworks in the evening. That is so awesome! July…

  • Summer nearing it’s end

    The Summer has blown by. Autumn is close, and it feels that way. One tree we have has a lovely orange-red leaf on a branch visible through the kitchen window by the sink. I’ve seen a few turned leaves on other trees, many trees shedding their leaves (My Yoshino’s have been doing that in August…

  • Eastern Redbud in Full Bloom

    Eastern Redbud in Full Bloom, a photo by CrazyMaisy. This is a partial view of our Eastern Redbud tree in the backyard. It’s in full bloom, has been for a few days now. It’s absolutely gorgeous. The trunk is visible, somewhat. It’s twisted around like that due to a dog we had chewing the sapling…

  • My Yoshino’s Full Bloom!

    Originally uploaded by CrazyMaisy. The tree on the left is past peak already, and the ones to the right are right at peak bloom now (started yesterday afternoon). Usually these trees are in sync with their blooming periods but the one to the left was way ahead of the other two this Southern Spring March…

  • Spring Already

    Well, January is well into way, closer to the end than the beginning, but it’s not even Winter here anymore. It should be, though it’s not. It’s been very rainy, though it was forecasted that would be the case, a more mild winter, but overall, it’s too much like that. We’ve had two thunderstorms this…

  • Summer giving way to Autumn

    August has come and gone. I’m not wishing time away, but I sure won’t miss the Fall Allergy season when that has come and gone. It’s here, has been, and will be for a longer stay than I want (like I ever really want it!) Weather has been nicer atimes the past couple of weeks.…

  • July is nearly over!

    Wow this month has gone fast! Now the Dog Days of Summer are beginning. Hot more often than not. Sun strong, not quite as light as late as it was in July, but this side of the sun’s courses through the cosmos are the hot-dog ones, whereas May and June are just wanna-be’s. I’m so…

  • 1st Daffodil to open!

    1st Daffodil of 2011 planting Originally uploaded by CrazyMaisy. I posted this photo to Flickr the other day. It’s the related to the previous post here, the same plant as the one in the photo of a green shoot coming up through the dirt. There are many more shoots coming up now, over 70 (not…

  • Snow January 2011

    We got over 5-inches of snow from somewhere around 10pm through to the morning, Sunday, January 9 to Monday, January 10, 2011. The snow came down thick and fast for a long time fastly sticking and building up. I’m seeing this as the best snow storm we’ve had since moving to Georgia in 1997.