Baby Q Turns One
Well, Baby Q turned One Year Old on the 23rd of June. I forgot to post anything about it. I do suppose it was because I was busy with the birthday, then busy getting ready to go out-of-town right after. Baby Q is growing up, not as much a baby, closer to a toddler now.…
IKEA changing table TOP
On Thursday I wrote about the new “changing table” we got from IKEA, except for the fact that the “changing top” doesn’t come with it, it’s a separate purchase and that the store didn’t have them in stock, while it was assumed by the staff that there was at least one in the warehouse (self-service…
Ikea changing table
We went to IKEA the day before yesterday. We had a specific idea in mind: to get a small dresser to use as a changing table. Once there we found a piece in the Leksvik line, that is small, but not too small, and has an additional piece to put on top that makes it…
Baby Q’s walking ability
Baby Q has been walking for a month now, very expertly in the house. Sometimes wobbles atimes, but is able to “walk at will” and “stay upright” 98% of most all situations. He can walk fast, and could run, no doubt, but chooses to usually walk, walk fast. He doesn’t crawl much at all either…
Baby Q, Walking
Baby Q had been close to walking for a long while. It seemed “any day now” since 9 months, and finally, in this past week he started taking half-steps here and there, and after two days of that, he was ready. So we now have a “walker” – a human baby, walking, stepping his way…
Mobile Baby
Baby Q is really, very mobile now. He’s been pulling up for a few weeks, but not everywhere, but for the last few days, he now can pull up on anything at all, and had been working towards that for over a week. When we got back from our Florida trip, he was at home…
Baby Q – 8 Months Old
Baby Q is now 8-months old! He’s been progressing in his ‘crawl’ through the past month, and now just does the regular type of crawling, hands and knees. A couple of days ago he was in the living area and I went upstairs to tell my DH something, and told A., the 7-year old, to…
Diaper Covers
We got our new diaper covers on Saturday. They are nice. More later. When I can actually type and maybe post a picture of Baby @ in one. He’s fussing and I just can’t post more right now.
Baby Q – 7 Months Old
Baby Q is officially 7 Months old today. He’s crawling, has been “creeping” some since right before turning 6 Months old … he has not “mastered” crawling, but for all intensive purposes he gets where he wants to go when he’s on the floor. For him it’s more the hard floors that are keeping him…
More Tiny Tush Diapers
We ordered more of the blue diapers that I posted about in December. They arrived on Tuesday, finally, with that “finally” meaning it took a LONG time for them to arrive. Sent “Fed Ex Home” … we ordered them ‘last year’ and they didn’t arrive until the 8th of this NEW year. A funny way…
6 Months
Baby Q turned 6 Months Old on the 23rd of December. He’s getting so very big and is so very active as well. He’s almost crawling, he is wanting to be “on the go” and has been inching closer to that possibility since not long after turning 5 Months Old. The last week or so…
Tiny Tush diapers arrival
The diapers I ordered on Saturday came in the USPS [mail] today. Here’s a link to the manufacturer’s site [a photo] of the exact diapers we bought: Tiny Tush Trim One-Size Organic – Blue They are gorgeous and full of snaps to fit my dear boy until he’s out of diapers, whenever that is. I…
New Diapers – ordered
We ordered some new diapers today. Organic snap cotton, just 5 of them (but pricey … we could have gotten a ton of pre-folds for the price, but want the convenience of snap diapers — they are “Organic Tiny Tush Trim One Size – snap closure” diapers.) adding to our old collection of what were…
39 Weeks + 4 days Counting Down
I’m 39 + 4 (wks + days) today … we did go out last night and get a few things. I am still in need of a changing table pad and cover though (something very important to me!) We got the stroller/infant car seat combo as well as the Pack ‘n’ Play at Target which…