Tag: Summer

  • A Tribute to Katrina

    I made up a new poem-ic phrase while IM’ing with Frankie last night: Rumble, rumble, boil and crumble. You know — the witchy brew chanting of literary edges … it’s a play on that. Offshoot tornadoes, awesome power in storms such as Katrina. If you watch the news [about Katrina] you’ll see some things from…

  • Under Tornado Warnings

    We are under particular Tornado Warnings/Watches this evening. Just a while ago, oh about an hour ago already, I heard a bunch of rumblings to the South, and sure enough it was dark out that way, and lighting could be seen cloud to cloud. It then started to be the more dangerous type, ground to…

  • Tropical rain begins

    We have sprinkles starting, the sky is dark grey and blackish clouds … and it’s a large area of such. The radar for our state shows rain over us and growing. The county next to us to the west has/had tornado warnings. So … the evening rainy thundersomeness of tropical moisture has begun for us.…

  • Georgia Clouds – Tropical Connection to Katrina

    I took a few pictures of some clouds forming and coming in, from the Westerly direction. Beautiful clouds. Here are two of the pictures.

  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina coverage on the Weather Channel is what I’ve been watching the last few days on and off, I watched it through this past night (when I was awake, as I was and have been the last several days, a pattern that I go through often enough, it’s not unusual) and so I’ve seen…

  • Windy Mocky Weather

    I was just outside a bit ago, and there was a new storm brewing over head. My throat has gotten better since I last wrote, the previous post to this. Anyhow, the sky was black in patches, large patches, funny format of edge design, very flat clouds. There was blue sky visible, but not very…

  • It’s going, but blah

    I’m not feeling so swell. All night I felt miserable while I was “supposed” to be asleep, but often am not. I was more miserable than normal. When daylight came and I got out of bed (I ususally, during such nights do sleep a bit right before and after dawn, also sometime earlier in the…

  • A/C has helped

    Life in our house since getting A/C Window units has been better, some. Yes, nicer, not sticky and overwelming any more. Thoughts of Fall are on me … the unit in the Kitchen Window blocks most of the morning light that we have had coming in there since living here. In the Spring we took…

  • Moving the pen caused loss

    Yesterday I moved the Leghorn pen, to give them some fresher grass, as well as to collect the five eggs they’d laid. For some reason without a box they all lay in a different spot, so the eggs are not in a pile or even close to one another, but all spread out. The pen…

  • July sure went by fast

    I know time goes fast when you are having fun, but what if it goes by fast when you are definitely NOT having fun? 🙂 Time has flown for me the last few years, and this last month, July 2005, has been quite the fastest, by far, in my estimation of historical events in my…

  • The hot and cool of it

    With the weather being so terribly hot and humid and dangerous (sure it can get hotter, but temps in the the 80’s and 90’s to mid or high 90’s all have feels-like into the 100’s, up to 111F. or even more), Frank went to Lowes early yesterday morning and brought home 2 window air conditiners.…

  • Hot dog days and meals

    Yesterday was so hot. It got to 90 degrees in the house. I had seen weather info earlier that forecast 89 for a high in Atlanta. I don’t know why it got so hot in the house though, it wasn’t THAT hot outside. I guess it’s partially my ankle injury, I didn’t go around checking…

  • Thunderous Praise

    We had a lovely thunderstorm early this evening. The lighting was crashing down and cloud to cloud, close to our home. It was so soothing. Super intense storms are so soothing to me. We hadn’t heard thunder as we have this evening in several years, the first Spring in our house was 1997 and we…

  • Household Changes

    I re-seated the heatsink on the desktop mb this afternoon. I had wanted to do this for awhile, but since my “stuff” is in such disarray, I hadn’t looked hard enough to find my Artic Silver, which I’d be needing to do the job. So I motivated to find it today. The computer yesterday started…

  • Hi Dennis!

    Dennis is here, the outer north-east bands part of “him” that is. It’s breezey all of the sudden and tropical air and rain are falling (warm and big heavy drops rushing down). Dennis is a cat. 3 hurricane now, and expected to hit somewhere on the Gulf Coast by tomorrow morn, and he’s so big…

  • New Black Oil Sunflower

    Canon Digital Rebel – July 6, 2005 Notice the beautiful swirls, the pattern is gorgeous, shows God’s handiwork wonderfully. Such order, beauty, but no true straight lines involved. 🙂

  • Cindy Dumped Rain

    Over 2-inches, but we don’t know really how much, that’s just an airport to the north of us that I grabbed the two-day totals from to estimate something from. It was very soggy before Cindy arrived. I know I am not knowledgeable enough to know about it, we were away from home July 4 &…

  • Arlene’s Effect and Longer Days

    Friday it was hot and muggy and the air had no breeze to speak of, basically. Saturday the air was wonderful, low to mid 70’s, low humidity, breezy to light gusty. Arlene, first tropical named storm of the Atlantic 2005 Hurricane Season, made things nice for us on Saturday. Her rain came then though, and…

  • The Heat is Here

    It was cool last week … well, let’s see, the week that was the last one in May. My time is messed up a bit, we’ve been HOT and sick and generally those two aren’t so good together, if you know what I mean. Temps in the house have been 85 degrees F. or higher…

  • Sunny Day At Last!

    Ah, the sun is shining. I got the whole floor swept up on the main level. Sunlight makes that possible 🙂 It’s cool out still, but with the sunny backyard, it feels lovely. Going out on the deck is like a spa. In the summer it REALLY is. Right now it’s just that it feels…