Cold Day – thinking ahead
On days like today we keep a electric space heater running in the “family room” which is the “basement” just a walkout space, a slab as otherwise known. On the main floor, over a crawlspace, we have to keep a fire going in the “dining room” which is what “is supposed to be the Living…
December is Here
Happy December! I find it funny to say that and then to say that today is warmer than the last day of November, so much so that on that day I wrote about how “chilly” things were. All day yesterday I was chilly, so it was in the house. Last night it wasn’t so much…
Ivan’s rain
Ivan’s rain yesterday came in sheets. Firstly it was misty sprinkling, wind making sprinkling misty, then heavier sprinkling, then the rain really came down in torrents and sheets. It was wonderful to watch. The wind beat and howled at the back of the house. That would be wind coming from the South, then, as we…
Ode to September 2004 Storms
Ivan came and sang at our door Four- inches or more from Frances, just the week before Four-inches or more from Ivan, this is very true We needed rain, God sent these storms We’re overfilled But happily so The earth soaked up that water blue Frances, she wailed and weeped ‘oh please come out and…
My New Blue
First off the music. It’s the whole album, the whole thing. I like both Styx “The Grand Illusion” and “Paradise Theater” in particular. Recently I found an old cassette tape of PT and so we went out and found both the above on CD. Ah, the good stuff once again! Frank went out and got…
My Cool Friend
See my new friend? He’s smiling, green and really cool, well, as cool as he can be given the degree of heat 😉 The three pictures aren’t exactly the same: one of them you can see the fan moving in. The other two, the fan was moving when the photo was snapped, but the flash…
Strider and Dixie
Photos of two cats
Bluebirds, and other birds lately
It’s been a birdy last 1/2 hour. I haven’t “seen” my Bluebirds most of the Summer. They’ve been around, but the whole family hasn’t been sitting on the fences or anything like that. Tonight Frank saw one, and we started looking, there were 2 adults and 3 or 4 babies. At least one of the…
Summer observations
It’s been a fast Summer. We are on the last week of July already. I’ll admit that I’m wishing the month away, hoping for better things in August [$$$-wise Frank]. But that isn’t why the month is going fast. Wishing time away tends to make it stretch out, generally for me at the least. It’s…
Good Things going down
See my first post for today on my Eggreport. Something different happened when I first checked the hens today. Then see my second post for today on my Eggreport. Something really big happened today, and something cool too. Which is which? Interchangeable, I’d say! Post comments here and there, or anywhere!
We are expecting it to rain anytime, accoring to the radar it should be raining 😉 At any rate, it’s after dusk and I was outside and noticed a few lights flashing here and there around the fence in the back yard, under the Locust Tree. Sure enough, it was Fireflies! Sounds like a silly…
Building Time
I was looking out the back door and noticed something moving in the Maple in the East part of the yard, directly ahead to the left a bit. I got out my binoculars, and sure enough, in the tree was a Northern Mockingbird, building a nest. I went out and looked at it a little…
Garden Update
It’s hot out. Despite that, when checking for eggs, I nearly always go and pick around in the garden. From now on I need to be sure and have a long sleeve over-shirt on. I can see freckles on my arms that were not there this morning. I always put on my wide-brimmed hat when…