A/C Guy fixed things
A/C Guy finally came back today with the new sensor module, installed it, made sure it was working and also added a manual damper in between master bedroom and the other bedrooms (’cause of the heat load we have in the master bedroom from the East/South facing the Sun.) He tweaked things as well, to…
A/C Sensor Bad
A/C guy was here yesterday. He checked everything and finally told us “it’s this sensing module that is bad” The basic long and short of it is, I don’t really know why we need it, guess it’s a fine tuner, making everything work well no matter what temps you put in or something. He said…
A/C Guy is supposed to be here on Thursday
Don’t know what he can do, hope something. Just checked again, everything going down by 1, but … outside, super thick frost on the pipes going into the unit, starting again. Now off. I’ve already had it, but now I’ve had it.
A/C Problems Still
Our A/C is still very problematic. We tried something different last night, and it seemed to work, and just now I did it again and I’ll see if it changes things. It was just about 12 hours between doing it the first time and when things started going south again decidedly so. We took the…