1st Yoshino Blossoms – March 10, 2012
The Yoshino Cherry Trees have opened their first blossoms of 2012 today! They are early, as they were last year.
Spring is really blooming
Spring is here. Our big white blooming tree (crab apple or cherry something or other) is past peak bloom already. It still is very beautiful, just not “as much” as earlier in the week. The blossoms are dropping slowly, and the leaves are getting greener and larger day by day. I posted pictures of my…
Crepe Myrtle killed back, waiting for re-growth
I’m awaiting my Crepe Myrtle to re-grow. In 2007 the April 17th-ish freeze killed back all the then Crepe Myrtle spring growth. It was rather far along with nice little leaves showing … then black goo from the two days of freezing temps. It did put out some puny leaves after that, eventually, that’s all.…