Tag: turkey

  • Thanksgiving Prep 2012 Wed afternoon

    Update on the turkey Yes, a Free Range fresh Turkey. Big enough at 17 some pounds. I have another turkey in the freezer for later. 🙂 So I’ll be roasting the turkey soon. Prep for stuffing under way: and Pies later.

  • Thanksgiving Prep 2012

    It’s the holiday season! Today I need to do some more preparations for the upcoming holiday. Wow! That’s tomorrow! I haven’t done as much as I had wanted to by now. I have a totally non-me turkey. I didn’t get one pre-ordered, hubby was going to and didn’t. He got me a frozen turkey from…

  • Two days until Thanksgiving – Prep Plan

    Today is the Tuesday before Thanksgiving 2011. The day after T-day is a birthday, my daughter will be 13! Today I need to make the stuffing, then stuff the Free Range Organic Fresh Turkey (15+ lbs.) and roast it in my Electrolux oven on Perfect Turkey setting with the probe. Then start the gravy making…

  • Thanksgiving/Birthday 2010 is over

    Our Thanksgiving holiday was really big because of my daughter having her birthday on the day this year. It’s always a tough week, but with it all “occurring” on the same one day every so often,  it’s a much harder job to pull off. I made two turkeys (pastured, fresh from a farm) ahead of…