An update on the children’s progress
Asa is really growing! His face has filled out considerably of late, he’s looking more “boy” than baby, actually baby is nearly gone. He’s 2 years, 5 months old. He can answer the first three children’s catechism questions: 1. God 2. All things 3. For His own glory Those are the answers. Mix the questions…
Forecast via the big “V” In the Sky
I haven’t been out and about a lot lately, so I’m not saying this is the first sighting, just MY first sighting: Two separate V-formations of geese heading NORTH! Yesterday, Monday, February 24 right before sunset. That’s a good sign of Spring. The sightings were in Gwinnett County, GA, which is just NE of Atlanta.…
Warmer temperatures, and laying, right around the corner
The weather [weather.com] is forecasting warmer temperatures for the next few nights than they were last week. That means that we won’t be below freezing at all, if it turns out that way. That’s good news for hens and plants. The Weeping Willow tree is putting out it’s greenery, and a few other trees are…
I’m pleased to announce …
I am now hosting Howard King’s “A Christian Agrarian Critique of Technological Society”. It’s a fantastic look at modern society through the Christian Agrarian lense, which is a Biblical look at the whole enchilada. Click here for “A Christian Agrarian Critique of Technological Society”. It’s worth reading. If you are interested in agrarian things or…
Pussy Willows ready to burst forth!
I’ve been watching the Pussy Willow bush the last couple of weeks, and finally today, it’s ready. Several small covers have split and are showing the velvety gray beneath … it won’t be long now before the whole bush is a lovely wash of gray velvet! Spring is building, the great cachophony isn’t here yet,…
Here’s a nice picture with added graphics
This was taken, as stated on the picture, somewhere around April 2002. Strider and Dixie are brother and sister, adopted in December 2001 when they were about 7 months old. Strider is the only male cat in the house, and definitely the King. He’s my big old lover too. A big ol’ hunk o’ cat.…
Happy Valentine’s Day!
I created a desktop for Frank, and have it on my computer for the “holiday” too. I decided to share it with whomever else would like it as well. Here it is: Pick the one right for your monitor resolution: 800 x 600 56kb 1024 x 768 82kb 1280 x 1024 101kb 1600 x 1200…
A big boy
News I forgot to put down is: Asa is potty-learned! He’s been there for over a week now, and is just now a month shy of being 2 1/2 years old. Way to go Asa! Now there are no more diapers to be changed. I’ll put them away until they are needed, hopefully, again.
They are here!
We got the hens tonight. They are sweet looking. Leghorns, ten of them. They are in the pen, with the traveling dog kennel in the pen with them, the kennel is what they came home with us in. We gave them water and mash, and opened the door. One brave soul ventured forth rather quickly,…
A First for us — chickens
Last evening Frank and I banged out three and a half sides for our new chicken pen. The night before that we did the first half of one, and figured out what we were going to build, the design of it, that is. This is our first farming structure! We used lumber from our house,…