They are here!

We got the hens tonight. They are sweet looking. Leghorns, ten of them.

They are in the pen, with the traveling dog kennel in the pen with them, the kennel is what they came home with us in. We gave them water and mash, and opened the door. One brave soul ventured forth rather quickly, but no one else for several minutes. Finally a few came out, then seven were out, then the last one, two, three, and they were crowding round the bowl of food, peck, peck, peck they went.

Later we went back out to check on them, and they were all smooshed under the dog chainlink fence [the temporary roof] on top of the dog kennel, just a few inches of space available. One hen was left to perch on the swinging door of the kennel. Poor dear. Well, they looked comfy, all in all. They are accustomed to having higher places to perch on, where they came from, so we’ll have to get a shelf built for them. Next to the laying boxes, and under a solid roof.

Well, there was plenty of noise outside. The neighbor was drumming in his basement. That goes on for hours at nightime. And two dogs behind us were yapping up a storm, with other dogs pitching in around the place on occasion. Just our yard was quiet. Hens are not that noisy. Not like drums or dogs! 🙂

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