I am now hosting Howard King’s “A Christian Agrarian Critique of Technological Society”. It’s a fantastic look at modern society through the Christian Agrarian lense, which is a Biblical look at the whole enchilada.
Click here for “A Christian Agrarian Critique of Technological Society”.
It’s worth reading. If you are interested in agrarian things or not. I challenge you to read it with an open heart. It’s not meant to turn everyone into farmers, but to see the world around you in a different light. What’s good right now, may not seem as good at another point in your life. Why? We change inside. We should be transforming inside, to what God wants us to be. This series of articles is one that can shed much light on something that was dull and hard to see. It may transform something into a totally different thing. It may be validation for what you were thinking already. It may be so new and horrible that you can’t stand it. Read it anyway, and let me know what you are thinking.